
Bloody Cranesbill

This British native cranesbill makes low growing clumps for larger rockeries or the front of border.  It also gives you the opportunity to swear in polite company!

Found in rocky places on the whole such as the famous limestone pavements, mountains and coastal cliffs of the north of England and Scotland.  Geranium sanguineum is a very tough, hardy species that is trouble free in the garden.

The species and most of it's hybrids will provide low growing hummocks, usually wider than they are tall, covered with relatively large flowers from early May til the autumn, though the main flowering period is May-July.  Once the main flush has slowed down the cultivars of Geranium sanguineum can be cut back hard, to near ground level, to encourage a better second flush of flower for late summer and autumn.

The leaf shape is quite distinctive in Geranium sanguineum, rounded but deeply divided and most often a deeper green than other cranesbills.  This distinctive leaf is seen in most of the hybrids too.  Flower colour varies from white through palest pink to deep purplish magenta.  All need well drained soil in sun although they will grow and flower in shade they tend not to do so well.

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Geranium sanguineum

Geranium sanguineum£5.00

The Bloody Cranesbill. British native hardy Geranium suitable for any ordinary, drained soil in sun or part shade. Magenta flowers from May to September. 20cm.

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Geranium sanguineum 'Belle of Herterton'

Geranium sanguineum 'Belle of Herterton'£5.00

Large gentle pink flowers on this good plant from Frank Lawley. A lovely new shade in a G. sanguineum.

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Geranium sanguineum 'Feu d'Automne'

Geranium sanguineum 'Feu d'Automne'£5.00

Light magenta flowers with overlapping petals and netted with darker veins. A low growing cultivar with good autumn foliage colour. Ideal for larger rockeries or the front of a border. Drained soil in sun or part shade. 15cm.

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Geranium sanguineum 'Glenluce'

Geranium sanguineum 'Glenluce'£6.00

Beautiful large flowers of clear rose-pink. Relatively large clumps of rich green foliage to 30cm. Drained soil in sun or light shade.

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