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Primula 'Barnhaven Garnet Cowichan'

Primula 'Barnhaven Garnet Cowichan'£5.00

Stunning garden worthy polyanthus in a range of deepest reds, some near black. The Cowichan types lack the typical large yellow eye. Decent soil in some shade. 25cm.

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Primula 'David Valentine'

Primula 'David Valentine'£5.00

Pretty pink flowers on this P. elatior x P juliae hybrid. Showy flat faced flowers held in large heads up to 15cm in late winter and spring. Good soil in light shade.

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Primula 'Lady Greer'

Primula 'Lady Greer'£5.00

AGM. A delightful little primrose hybrid with neat clumps of leaves and masses of light yellow flowers in spring on stems to 20cm. Good soil in light shade.

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Primula ex Barnhaven Indian Reds

Primula ex Barnhaven Indian Reds£5.00

Seed grown polyanthus in a range of bright rich reds, rubys, crimsons etc. Some towards magenta or purple. Decent soil in some shade. 25cm.

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Prosartes lanuginosa

Prosartes lanuginosa£6.00

(syn. Disporum lanuginosum) Soft green clumps with greenish white, open, starry flowers in spring to 30cm. Good, leafy soil in shade.

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Reineckea carnea

Reineckea carnea£5.00

Low patches of strap-like leaves (more or less evergreen) and short spikes of flesh pink flowers in spring. Ordinary soil in shade. 15cm.

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Rhodiola pachyclados

Rhodiola pachyclados£5.00

Low mats of blue-grey rosettes make a lovely feature for a rockery or front of border. White flowers when it can be bothered. 10cm. Full sun and well drained soil.

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Roscoea alpina CC3667

Roscoea alpina CC3667£5.00

Seed grown plants from this wild collected form with light purple flowers over clumps of relatively narrow foliage to 20cm. Drained but moisture retentive soil in shade!

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Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Henry Eilers'

Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Henry Eilers'£5.00

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Rumex scutatus silver leaf

Rumex scutatus silver leaf£5.00

Low bushy clumps of shield shaped leaves spotted, splashed or coated with a silvery overlay. Thready spikes of pinkish flowers to 40cm. Sun.

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Scopolia carniolica

Scopolia carniolica£7.00

Clumps of potato-like foliage and light brown bells in late winter and spring to 40cm. An unusual woodland plant from south-eastern Europe. Good soil in shade, will go dormant in later summer.

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Scopolia carniolica var. brevifolia

Scopolia carniolica var. brevifolia£6.50

Pale yellow bell flowers in early spring on branched stems clad with potato-like leaves. Brilliant purple buds emerge from the ground in late winter. Good soil in shade. 40cm.

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Scutellaria tournefortii

Scutellaria tournefortii£5.00

Elegant upright spires of white flowers highlighted with a light blue-purple to 45cm. Ordinary soil in sun or light shade. Doesn't self-seed here.

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Scutellaria zhongdianensis

Scutellaria zhongdianensis£5.00

Clumps of upright stems dlad with shiny, fresh green leaves and producing spires of deep blue and white flowers in summer to 45cm. Drained soil in full sun.

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Sida hermaphrodita

Sida hermaphrodita£5.00

Rare but easy giant mallow relative with tropical looking leaves and spires of small white flowers in summer and autumn to 2.4m. Hardy herbaceous for sun and ordinary soil.

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Silene chalcedonica

Silene chalcedonica£5.00

Maltese Cross. Brilliant, eye-searing, orange red flowers in domed heads in summer. An excellent addition to "hot" borders but keep it away from pastel pink flowers! Sun, 1m.

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Silene chalcedonica 'Carnea'

Silene chalcedonica 'Carnea'£7.20

A rarely seen form of Maltese Cross with dusky pink flowers - a bit more subtle than the normal screaming orange form! Clumps and upright stems to 75cm.

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Silene chalcedonica var. albiflora

Silene chalcedonica var. albiflora£7.20

The rarely seen white flowered form of Maltese Cross with domed heads of flowers on upright stems to 1.2m. Clumps for a lightly shaded border.

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Silene fimbriata

Silene fimbriata£5.00

Clumps of strong stems topped with masses of white Campions with frilly edges in spring. Good seed heads. Part shade, average soil. 80cm.

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Silphium asteriscus var. trifoliatum

Silphium asteriscus var. trifoliatum£6.50

syn. Silphium trifoliatum. An elegant prairie plant from north America with pretty yellow daisies on the top of stems with narrow leaves in whorls of 3. Not sure of height yet but probably at least 1.8m! Good soil in sun.

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Sisyrinchium palmifolium

Sisyrinchium palmifolium£5.00

Very different to most species with many clear yellow flowers in hefty clusters on top of branched stems to 40-50cm through summer. Quite leafy. Average soil in sun and shelter.

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Strobilanthes wallichii

Strobilanthes wallichii£7.50

Eye-catching blue-purple tubular flowers in late summer and autumn on neat bushy plants covered with broad hairy leaves. Drained soil in a sunny position. 45cm.

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Stylophorum lasiocarpum

Stylophorum lasiocarpum£5.00

A cracking, clump-forming, poppy relative for shade with masses of generous yellow flowers in spring and summer. Easy, hardy and well behaved. 40cm.

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Succisa pratensis

Succisa pratensis£5.00

Devil's-bit scabious. A delightful soft but rich blue flowered native scabious with the bobbles of flower dancing above the foliage on wiry stems. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 60cm.

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Succisella inflexa 'Frosted Pearls'

Succisella inflexa 'Frosted Pearls'£5.00

A scabious relative producing clouds of silvery white button-like flowers with a hint of pink all summer to 90cm. Hard to describe adequately! Ordinary soil in some sun.

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