
The smallest types with a creeping or climbing habit. Suitable for containers or the smallest spot in the garden.

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Hedera helix 'Dyinnii'

Hedera helix 'Dyinnii'£5.00

Possibly the smallest ivy with dense bushy growth covered with tiny sharply pointed foliage. A soft mossy appearance for small places or containers.

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Hedera helix 'Glache'

Hedera helix 'Glache'£5.00

A slow growing miniature with white margined and grey splashed leaves. Good to brighten up a shady spot at the front of a border or in a container.

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Hedera helix 'Jake'

Hedera helix 'Jake'£5.00

Compact buttery yellow foliage tending towards a shield shape rather than the usual fingered leaf. Small, low growth that can climb.

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Hedera helix 'Kaleidoscope'

Hedera helix 'Kaleidoscope'£5.00

An unusual curly variegated cultivar with the white variegation spreading across the leaf from the stalk in a feathery pattern. Compact and slow.

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Hedera helix 'Little Luzii'

Hedera helix 'Little Luzii'£5.00

A very pretty compact ivy with mid green leaves heavily speckled and splashed creamy yellow. Not a great spreader or climber so good for a shaded pot or container. 15cm.

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Hedera helix 'Pedata'

Hedera helix 'Pedata'£5.00

An historic variety (pre-1863) with very long narrow lobes to the typical green leaves. An attractive climber or trailer. Purplish in winter.

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Hedera helix 'Peter Pan'

Hedera helix 'Peter Pan'£5.00

A miniature "duckfoot" type with tiny lobed leaves densely packed on trailing stems. A fun plant best in a container in shade or part shade.

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Hedera helix 'Seabreeze'

Hedera helix 'Seabreeze'£5.00

A striking and unusual white variegated form with variable curled leaves, generally rounded or deeply divided. Compact and fairly slow growing.

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Hedera helix 'Ursula'

Hedera helix 'Ursula'£5.00

A small to medium size ivy with subtle yellow leaves with variable shape deep green central splashes. Slow growing.

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