Bushy & Arborescent

Both the neat little bushy types which are a semi-adult form of growth, and the proper adult growth arborescent types to be found here.

Worth noting that many of these forms can go back to a juvenile, creeping and climbing form in the right (or wrong if you like) conditions. Simply cut off the trailing stems to preserve the bushy habit.

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Hedera helix 'Very Merry'

Hedera helix 'Very Merry'£5.00

A bushy form well clothed with bright green, rounded smallish leaves. Most don't recognise it as an ivy. Best out of cold winds. 40cm.

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Hedera pastuchovii ssp. cypria

Hedera pastuchovii ssp. cypria£6.00

syn. Hedera cypria. Triangular leaves with well defined silvery veins on this attractive ivy from the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus. Drained soil in shade, best if not too dry.

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