True prairie grasses from North America, tight clump formers for drained soil in sun. Lovely late summer flowers and autumn foliage. Like Miscanthus they need to be cut back to near ground level in March.
Panicums (or Panic Grasses) are probably the second most popular genus of grasses that we grow. They have many of the advantages of Miscanthus but are generally on a smaller scale and some would say less intimidating for a novice grass gardener! Panicum mostly make neat clumps of more or less upright stems with their flower panicles on the top from late summer into late autumn. Many forms, particularly of Panicum virgatum, have very attractive autumn foliage colour.
Not all forms will do well for every site. Generally those with green leaves and red or purple autumn foliage, and those with grey leaves and yellow autumn foliage are the toughest. We find that those with grey summer leaf and red or purple autumn foliage tend to be the weakest growers though they will still do well for some!
All forms we grow are winter hardy (with us to at least -15oC) and are perennial.
Recent introduction from the USA. Broad blue-grey foliage and pinkish flowers to 1.8m+. Very upright habit and super yellow autumn foliage colour turns warm buff throughout winter. Average soil in sun.
Upright columns of greyish foliage topped with open panicles (flower heads) of red tinted flowers in late summer and autumn. Average soil in full sun. 1.2m.
A slightly unusual form in that this has greyish green foliage with bright rusty red autumn colour on the upright clumps to 1m. Sprays of reddish flowers from late summer. Decent soil in full sun.
Upright clumps with greyish green foliage and sprays of airy flower to 1.2m in late summer and autumn. Good golden autumn foliage stands out. Good soil in sun.