Welcome to the Herbaceous Perennials section. We offer a diverse range of plants from very low growing alpine types to quite big bushy ones. Those families we grow lots of have their own sections and the rest can be found in the catch-all sections for All Perennials or All Other Perennials. As a rule, none of the plants we offer will require staking or deadheading or any other fussing, though some may do better with a little extra care of course. We do grow a wide range of rare and unusual perennials but always bear in mind that no plant, however rare or unusual, is worth growing in your garden if it will drop dead straight away! Accordingly all our new, rare and unusual perennials have to be garden worthy. As we are based in relatively warm, dry, windy Norfolk our large collection of hardy perennials reflects our climate to some extent. This means that we do not try and grow plants like the blue Himalayan poppies which simply don't want to grow in our part of the country. But, this does not mean that plants that will grow here won't grow in other parts of the UK, in many cases it actually means that our plants may be harder grown than those grown in more favourable conditions! |