
Formerly known as Persicaria!

Excellent summer and autumn flowering plants as well as some foliage types. Many are tidy clump formers and not the thugs that many imagine the whole family to be. In particular types of Bistorta amplexicaulis are very good for naturalistic style gardening.

The clump forming herbaceous species, Bistorta amplexicaulis and Bistorta officinalis are exellent border plants that mix very well with the wide range of Hardy Geraniums and Ornamental Grasses that we grow.  There are many excellent new cultivars of Persicaria amplexicaulis available, many from the breeding of Belgian collection holder Chris Ghyselen.

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Bistorta amplexicaulis 'Alba'

Bistorta amplexicaulis 'Alba'£5.00

AGM Slender white spikes over large pale green leaves in summer. Decent soil in light shade. 90cm.

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Bistorta amplexicaulis 'Red Baron'

Bistorta amplexicaulis 'Red Baron'£5.50

AGM An introduction from Belgian Collection Holder Chris Ghyselen. Compact plants with dense spikes of rich red flowers from midsummer till the frosts. 60cm.

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Bistorta amplexicaulis Taurus 'Blotau'

Bistorta amplexicaulis Taurus 'Blotau'£5.00

One of the best, older forms with masses of good sized spikes of ruby red flowers from midsummer til late autumn. Clumps to 1.2m. Ordinary to good soil in sun or light shade.

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