

Still relatively obscure these hardy, clump forming perennials deserve wider use. They provide flowers from late spring till autumn and have an airy appearance thanks to their wiry stems.

Native to areas around much of the northern hemisphere from the UK throughout Europe and Asia as far as Japan.  Sanguisorba have been little used in gardens until the last 20 years or so.  They have been popularised by the introduction of the dwarf Sanguisorba 'Tanna' and some of the taller varieties such as Sanguisorba 'Pink Elephant and 'Arnhem' that have been widely used in naturalistic planting schemes by the likes of Dutchman Piet Oudolf.

The majority of Sanguisorba are hardy herbaceous clump formers, with heights ranging from 30cm to over 2m.  Most have strong wiry flowering stems that hold up well throught the season, though some do flop a bit.  The attractive pinnate foliage makes a good contrast with grassy leaves as well as broader leaves and the flowers mix very well with traditional herbaceous borders as well as the more modern naturalistic styles.

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Sanguisorba 'Little Angel'

Sanguisorba 'Little Angel'£5.00

AGM Neat clumps of white margined pinnate leaves produce upright, wiry, branched stems topped with short dense spikes of maroon flowers in summer. 30cm. Good soil, sun.

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Sanguisorba 'White Tanna'

Sanguisorba 'White Tanna'£5.50

A new white flowered form to 90cm. Clumps of pinnate foliage. Good soil in sun.

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Sanguisorba obtusa silver leaved

Sanguisorba obtusa silver leaved£5.00

A great form of the species with silvery-grey foliage that is a good reason to grow without the chunky caterpillar-like flowers. Good soil in sun or light shade. 75cm.

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Sanguisorba officinalis CDC262

Sanguisorba officinalis CDC262£5.50

A strong, upright Korean collection with short spikes of burgundy flowers on wiry stems to 2m. Late summer flowering. Good soil in sun.

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Sanguisorba stipulata var. riishirensis

Sanguisorba stipulata var. riishirensis£5.50

A rare form with clumps of blue-grey pinnate leaves and dark stems holding deep reddish caterpillars almost concealed by white filaments. 1.2m. Good soil in sun.

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Sanguisorba tenuifolia 'Pink Elephant'

Sanguisorba tenuifolia 'Pink Elephant'£5.00

Largish pink fluffy flowers on wiry stems to 1.5m. Clump forming with large pinnate foliage to 45cm. Average to good soil in sun

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