MoliniaPurple Moor GrassesClump formers for slightly better soil in full sun. At their best in autumn as the stems and leaves change colour. Flowers are produced from midsummer and the seedheads usually last until midwinter. For reasonably good soil through to wet - very tolerant! The two subspecies can help you work out which ones you want to grow: Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea tend to be 1.5m (5') tall or more. We hold the National Plant Collection® of Molinia. Visitors to the nursery can see most of the plants in the Molinia Collection growing in the display garden adjacent to our sales area. In this display garden the Molinia are planted with a mix of other herbaceous perennials and ornamental grasses to show them off to their best. The flowering season starts in June and they will still be looking good, and maybe at their best, when we close at the end of October as the autumn foliage and stem colour kicks off. While most forms of Molinia provide a good display of airy flowers through summer and autumn the key feature of them is the range of warm buff, yellow and orange stem and leaf colour in mid to late autumn and on into winter. The stems are usually held up until around Christmas/New Year. Some new selections (particularly Molinia caerulea ssp. caerulea 'Dark Defender') will stand into the new year.