
Well behaved types mostly for shade and a good soil though they are flexible! Some can be summer dormant in hot dry weather so don't worry that they've died and mind that hoe...

Since the re-introduction of Corydalis flexuosa to western gardens in 1992 (the CD&R collections) these bright, electric blue herbaceous Corydalis have become much more widespread and better known.  More collections of other species followed and hybrids with Corydalis elata, Corydalis cashmeriana and others (many unidentified) soon followed.  Some of these hybrids are more or less evergreen which is a great help for those gardeners who have found the summer dormant Corydalis flexuosa difficult to manage.  Corydalis elata also introduces a sweet scent.

We also grow a handful of tuberous types of Corydalis which can be grown just like any other spring flowering bulb.  Our offerings are perfectly hardy in the garden and include Corydalis malkensis and some forms of Corydalis solida.

For more information on the blue flowered Corydalis see our blog entry here.

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Corydalis 'Craigton Blue'

Corydalis 'Craigton Blue'£6.50

A new hybrid between C. elata and C. flexuosa with mid green leaves and brilliant electric blue flowers on red stems. Strongly sweet scented flowering in late spring and early summer. Good soil in shade. 30cm.

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Corydalis 'Spinners'

Corydalis 'Spinners'£5.00

(C. elata x C. flexuosa) The first of these hybrids this is a good tough plant. More or less evergreen, fresh green foliage produces upright stems topped with big heads of bright blue, scented flowers in mid-late spring. 50cm. Good soil in shade.

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Corydalis 'Wildside Blue'

Corydalis 'Wildside Blue'£5.00

A lovely hybrid from Keith Wiley with bright blue flowers over ferny, light green, foliage in spring and early summer. Decent soil in shade. 30cm.

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Corydalis flexuosa 'Hale Cat'

Corydalis flexuosa 'Hale Cat'£5.00

A compact form with light green foliage and heads of electric blue flowers to 30cm in early spring, and later if it doesn't dry out. Shade, reasonable soil.

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Corydalis flexuosa Norman's Seedling

Corydalis flexuosa Norman's Seedling£5.00

Bright blue flowers with a smoky flush for weeks in spring. Not quite so vigorous as 'Pere David' but a more subtle colour. 30cm.

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