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We grow a wide range of perennials including a comprehensive range of Hardy Geraniums and lots of good Ornamental Grasses, not to forget the large number of new, rare and unusual herbaceous perennials, especially those for shade/woodland. Please use the Refine options on the left or the Plant Selector to help choose, or the Search box at the top of every page to find specific plants, or just enjoy browsing!

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Hedera helix 'Ursula'

Hedera helix 'Ursula'£5.00

A small to medium size ivy with subtle yellow leaves with variable shape deep green central splashes. Slow growing.

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Hedera helix 'Very Merry'

Hedera helix 'Very Merry'£5.00

A bushy form well clothed with bright green, rounded smallish leaves. Most don't recognise it as an ivy. Best out of cold winds. 40cm.

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Hedera helix 'White Ripple'

Hedera helix 'White Ripple'£5.00

Beautifully white margined version of Green Ripple with narrow fingered forward-facing divisions. Elegant and bright, climbs, scrambles and trails well.

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Hedera helix 'Williamsiana'

Hedera helix 'Williamsiana'£5.00

Showy ruffled leaves with bold white margins, the whole can be tinted pink in cold weather. Slow but can make a substantial climber in time.

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Hedera helix f. poetarum JUVENILE

Hedera helix f. poetarum JUVENILE£5.00

The juvenile form of the Poet's Ivy. This will provide creeping/climbing growth with typical green foliage. When it becomes adult the berries will be the desired yellow. Patience!

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Hedera hibernica 'Palmata'

Hedera hibernica 'Palmata'£5.00

Wide spreading leaves with a bit of a clawed hand look to them! Good groundcover or climber for a tropical look. Can be semi-arborescent at times and slow.

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Hedera hibernica ex RBGE Type plant

Hedera hibernica ex RBGE Type plant£5.00

Propagated from the Type plant for the species at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Silver-grey veined climber/groundcover, evergreen and tough but controllable.

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Hedera iberica

Hedera iberica£5.00

Rarely cultivated species from Spain and Portugal with deep green leaves with pale green veins. Narrow triangular divisions to the leaves. Fairly hardy.

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Hedera nepalensis 'Roy Lancaster'

Hedera nepalensis 'Roy Lancaster'£5.00

Stunning ruby red new growth that turns to green with grey veins as it matures. The leaves often multi-lobed on young growth, adult leaves are triangular. Ordinary soil under trees/shrubs.

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Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis

Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis£5.00

A fairly small ivy from south-west China with grey veined leaves, new growth purple-red in spring and summer. Best grown in at least light shade, sheltered.

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Hedera pastuchovii 'Ann Ala'

Hedera pastuchovii 'Ann Ala'£5.00

AGM Collected by Roy Lancaster in the Caspian Forest in Iran and named for his guide. Lanceolate green leaves with pale veins, trailing or climbing.

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Hedera pastuchovii ssp. cypria

Hedera pastuchovii ssp. cypria£6.00

syn. Hedera cypria. Triangular leaves with well defined silvery veins on this attractive ivy from the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus. Drained soil in shade, best if not too dry.

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Hedera rhombea

Hedera rhombea£5.00

An attractive species with rounded triangular leaves in a distinct green with greyish veining. Medium growth for groundcover or climbing up walls or fences. Best in shade.

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Hedera rhombea 'Variegata'

Hedera rhombea 'Variegata'£5.50

Smart white edged rounded leaves which pick up pinkish-red tints in cold weather. Quite a thin leaf and flexible stems so best in shelter and shade.

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Hedychium 'Tara'

Hedychium 'Tara'£10.00

AGM Impressive tropical looking stems clad with braod leaves and topped with large spikes of glowing orange from in August-September to 1.5-1.8m. Good soil in part shade.

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Hedychium densiflorum 'Assam Orange'

Hedychium densiflorum 'Assam Orange'£9.50

Showy narrow spikes of tangerine orange flowers to 1.5m on this very hardy ginger (with a mulch at least). Probably the best one to start with. Part/light shade.

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Helichrysum stoechas 'White Barn'

Helichrysum stoechas 'White Barn'£5.50

A delightful bright silver foliage shrublet from Beth Chatto. Narrow leaves on upright stems topped with yellow flowers if you let it. Full sun and well drained soil. 60cm.

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Hemerocallis 'Catherine Woodbery'

Hemerocallis 'Catherine Woodbery'£7.20

A favourite variety with elegant flowers of a pinkish lilac. Happy on most soils in sun. 90cm.

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Hemerocallis 'Eenie-weenie Non-stop'

Hemerocallis 'Eenie-weenie Non-stop'£7.20

What a name! But what a plant! Starts flowering in spring and is often still going in late autumn. Small bright yellow flowers in grassy foliage to 40cm. Best in sun, average soil.

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Hemerocallis 'Jenny Wren'

Hemerocallis 'Jenny Wren'£5.00

Unusual tangerine brown flowers with reddish markings in the throat on this form. The flowers modestly sized but plenty of them in midsummer. Ordinary soil in sun. 50cm.

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Hemerocallis 'Pink Charm'

Hemerocallis 'Pink Charm'£6.00

Delightful pink flowers with strappy petals on strong stems to 70cm. Average soil in sun.

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Hemerocallis 'Stella d'Oro'

Hemerocallis 'Stella d'Oro'£5.00

Ever popular very dwarf form with grassy leaves and chunky apricot-yellow flowers to 20cm. Ordinary soil in sun.

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Hemerocallis fulva 'Variegated Kwanso'

Hemerocallis fulva 'Variegated Kwanso'£7.50

Grown mostly for it's lush white variegated foliage this form will also produce double, burnt orange flowers sporadically in summer to 1.2m. Good soil in part shade is ideal.

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Hesperantha huttonii

Hesperantha huttonii£5.00

Delicate looking grassy leafed Iris relative with clusters of light sugar pink flowers from early summer til autumn. Even flowering size bulbs are tiny. 30cm. Drained soil in full sun.

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Hierochloe odorata

Hierochloe odorata£5.00

Holy or Vanilla Grass - so called because of the sweet scent from crushed or cut foliage and roots - good for strewing on the floor! Creeping tussocks of fresh green leaves and warm brownish flowers to 60cm. Average soil in sun.

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