
Typically sized ivies that will provide a good groundcover under shrubs, trees or a hedgrow, or climb to cover a fence, wall or other upright surface!

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Hedera iberica

Hedera iberica£5.00

Rarely cultivated species from Spain and Portugal with deep green leaves with pale green veins. Narrow triangular divisions to the leaves. Fairly hardy.

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Hedera nepalensis 'Roy Lancaster'

Hedera nepalensis 'Roy Lancaster'£5.00

Stunning ruby red new growth that turns to green with grey veins as it matures. The leaves often multi-lobed on young growth, adult leaves are triangular. Ordinary soil under trees/shrubs.

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Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis

Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis£5.00

A fairly small ivy from south-west China with grey veined leaves, new growth purple-red in spring and summer. Best grown in at least light shade, sheltered.

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Hedera pastuchovii 'Ann Ala'

Hedera pastuchovii 'Ann Ala'£5.00

AGM Collected by Roy Lancaster in the Caspian Forest in Iran and named for his guide. Lanceolate green leaves with pale veins, trailing or climbing.

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Hedera pastuchovii ssp. cypria

Hedera pastuchovii ssp. cypria£6.00

syn. Hedera cypria. Triangular leaves with well defined silvery veins on this attractive ivy from the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus. Drained soil in shade, best if not too dry.

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Hedera rhombea

Hedera rhombea£5.00

An attractive species with rounded triangular leaves in a distinct green with greyish veining. Medium growth for groundcover or climbing up walls or fences. Best in shade.

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Hedera rhombea 'Variegata'

Hedera rhombea 'Variegata'£5.50

Smart white edged rounded leaves which pick up pinkish-red tints in cold weather. Quite a thin leaf and flexible stems so best in shelter and shade.

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