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Heads of relatively large white flowers over clumps of large pale green leaves. Summer to autumn flowering, to 60cm. Ordinary soil in sun or light shade.
Ground hugging groundcover with extra glossy dark green foliage and the occasional white flower. Much used in Beth Chatto's shady areas, and good it looks.
Lady's Bedstraw. Pretty golden yellow flowers on low growing wispy plants in summer. Front of border, larger rock gardens or grow in short grass. 30cm.
A really good bulbous plant for a sunny, well drained site. Funnels of broad greyish leaves and strong upright stems with spikes of large white bells in summer to 90cm.
Rare with green and white flowers with very pinched tops and flared "bells" in good heads to 75cm. Drained soil in sun, not too dry or wet! Syn Ornithogalum p.
A classy summer flowering bulb with spires of jade green bells on strong stems to 70cm. Drained but good soil in full sun. More likely to thrive in warm sheltered gardens.
From Geranium breeder Alan Bremner, this large flowered soft orange variety has a long flowering season from spring well into late summer. 20cm. Decent soil in part shade.
Pale yellow flowers from orangey buds on dark purple red stems and calyces. Low growing compact plants for a lightly shaded border with good soil. Flowers spring into early summer. 30cm.
A new introduction with pale peachy flowers on reddish brown stems over a spreading clump of fresh green leaves. A good spring border plant that will continue into early summer. 40cm.
Stunning two-tone ruby red hooded flowers on this natural looking Gladiolus. Makes an excellent garden plant and will increase well in drained soil in full sun. 90cm.
(Verbena corymbosa) Delightful light purple flowers in dense heads from mid summer to autumn to 45cm. Hardy and fully herbaceous in cold winters. Good soil in sun.
Clumps of upright stems clothed with glossy green pinnate leaves, producing rounded heads of purple-blue flowers in summer. Fuzzy, russet seedpods in autumn are attractive. 1.2m. Good soil in sun.
AGM Impressive tropical looking stems clad with braod leaves and topped with large spikes of glowing orange from in August-September to 1.5-1.8m. Good soil in part shade.
Showy narrow spikes of tangerine orange flowers to 1.5m on this very hardy ginger (with a mulch at least). Probably the best one to start with. Part/light shade.
A delightful bright silver foliage shrublet from Beth Chatto. Narrow leaves on upright stems topped with yellow flowers if you let it. Full sun and well drained soil. 60cm.