All Grasses

ALL of the Ornamental Grasses that we grow!

As you can see we grow a very wide range of Ornamental Grasses and appreciate that the size of the list can be daunting if you don't know what you are looking for.  If you only have a small space don't discount taller grasses.  Sometimes a tall, narrow grass that takes up very little area can be really effective in a narrow border.

If you want more specific help then please feel free to phone or email (email probably easiest) and we will talk through what you need and make suggestions.

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Stipa pseudoichu

Stipa pseudoichu£5.00

Slow growing clumps of upright foliage to 80cm and tall arching stems topped with silvery plumes to 1.4m in summer. Average soil in sun.

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Stipa tenuissima

Stipa tenuissima£5.00

AGM Hair-like bright green foliage to 40cm. the flowers fountain up and form a light layer of wispy hair-like material over the top of the foliage. Drained soil in sun.

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Tripsacum dactyloides

Tripsacum dactyloides£7.20

Clumps of bright green, broad leaves on this hardy perennial American grass related to Maize. Fascinating spikes of chunky flowers on strong stems to 1.5m. Good, drained soil in sun.

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