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For those who need the new plants here are the 25 most recently added plants. Not necessarily new but just new to the website, or sometimes a plant we haven't had available for some time.

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Tiarella cordifolia 'Slick Rock'

Tiarella cordifolia 'Slick Rock'£5.00

A splendid carpeting Foam Flower with masses of white flowers in spring and again later. Makes excellent low ground cover under deciduous trees, try with Colchicums. 20cm.

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Hedera helix f. poetarum JUVENILE

Hedera helix f. poetarum JUVENILE£5.00

The juvenile form of the Poet's Ivy. This will provide creeping/climbing growth with typical green foliage. When it becomes adult the berries will be the desired yellow. Patience!

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Tulbaghia violacea 'Silver Lace'

Tulbaghia violacea 'Silver Lace'£5.00

AGM Pretty silvery white variegated form of this tough bulbous southern African plant. Heads of cheerful lilac-purple flowers all summer and autumn. 60cm.

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Hedera helix 'Dyinnii'

Hedera helix 'Dyinnii'£5.00

Possibly the smallest ivy with dense bushy growth covered with tiny sharply pointed foliage. A soft mossy appearance for small places or containers.

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Dianthus deltoides

Dianthus deltoides£5.00

AGM Low mats of rich green leaves show the brilliant reddish pink flowers well. Ideal creeping edge to paths etc. Can also cascade over walls. Drained soil in sun. 15cm.

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Hedera helix 'Jersey Doris'

Hedera helix 'Jersey Doris'£5.00

Creamy white new leaves gradually develop green speckles, small to start then larger. Medium size grower but slow with little chlorophyll until the leaves are older.

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Hedera helix 'Kaleidoscope'

Hedera helix 'Kaleidoscope'£5.00

An unusual curly variegated cultivar with the white variegation spreading across the leaf from the stalk in a feathery pattern. Compact and slow.

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Tiarella cordifolia 'Moorgrün'

Tiarella cordifolia 'Moorgrün'£5.00

Carpets of fresh green foliage and masses of spikes of creamy white flowers in spring. Ordinary soil in shade or part shade. 20cm.

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Hedera helix 'Glache'

Hedera helix 'Glache'£5.00

A slow growing miniature with white margined and grey splashed leaves. Good to brighten up a shady spot at the front of a border or in a container.

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Hedera helix 'Parsley Crested'

Hedera helix 'Parsley Crested'£5.00

AGM Superb strongly ruffled leaves in a mid to light green, tinted reddish in winter. A vigorous climber well suited to hiding ugly walls!

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Hedera helix 'Williamsiana'

Hedera helix 'Williamsiana'£5.00

Showy ruffled leaves with bold white margins, the whole can be tinted pink in cold weather. Slow but can make a substantial climber in time.

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Dianthus 'Old Square Eyes'

Dianthus 'Old Square Eyes'£5.00

Eye-catching flowers of white with salmon pink markings at the tips and in the centre. A good garden pink for a sunny spot at the front of a border. 40cm.

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Geranium 'Blue Thunder'

Geranium 'Blue Thunder'£5.50

New in 2014. (Geranium platypetalum x Geranium gymnocaulon) Excellent clumps of felted grey-green foliage are covered by masses of large, deep, indigo blue flowers tinted purple in the veins. Average soil in sun. 40cm.

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Geum 'Prinses Juliana'

Geum 'Prinses Juliana'£5.00

Clear orange flowers on this variety. Average to good soil in sun or light shade. 45cm.

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Euonymus fortunei 'Minimus'

Euonymus fortunei 'Minimus'£5.00

Amazing little hummocks of tiny leaves that slowly mound up to create self-supporting spires to 45cm. Evergreen, for sun or partial shade.

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Geum 'Farmer John Cross'

Geum 'Farmer John Cross'£5.00

Light yellow flowers on reddish stems in spring from this more compact form. Decent soil in light shade seems to suit it well. 30cm.

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Sanguisorba 'Little Angel'

Sanguisorba 'Little Angel'£5.00

AGM Neat clumps of white margined pinnate leaves produce upright, wiry, branched stems topped with short dense spikes of maroon flowers in summer. 30cm. Good soil, sun.

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Spodiopogon sibiricus

Spodiopogon sibiricus£5.00

Miscanthus-like clumps of upright culms bearing broad, deep green, leaves with a white central stripe. Silvery pnik flowers in autumn. Good soil in sun. 1.4m.

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Hedera helix 'Brokamp'

Hedera helix 'Brokamp'£5.00

Irregularly shaped deep green leaves, often with just a single entire division. Rich dusky green leaves gives a mossy look on dense clumps.

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Hedera helix 'Tripod'

Hedera helix 'Tripod'£5.00

Distinctive long narrow lobes are held at wide angles on this medium sized ivy. Spread a leaf out flat and you'll see the 3-legged tripod shape.

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Salvia scabra

Salvia scabra£5.00

Neat clumps from woody bases with branching spires of narow tubular flowers in a showy light blue. Summer to autumn, 40cm. Well drained soil in full sun. ?Hardiness.

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Phuopsis stylosa

Phuopsis stylosa£5.00

Low ground cover for sun or part shade. Bright green narrow leaves on trailing stems and masses of pretty pink flowers in late spring and summer. 20cm.

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Begonia sutherlandii

Begonia sutherlandii£5.00

Borderline hardy species with glowing orange flowers on low arching plants. Often used in baskets and containers but worth trying in a sheltered garden. 30cm.

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Geranium x oxonianum 'Red Sceptre'

Geranium x oxonianum 'Red Sceptre'£5.00

A medium sized plant with brown spotted leaves and narrow petalled flowers densely veined with a reddish pink. Average soil in sun or light shade. 40cm.

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Spartium junceum

Spartium junceum£8.50

AGM A shrubby, broom-like, plant with sparsely leafed branches festooned with golden yellow pea-like flowers in early summer. Strongly scented. Drained soil, sun. 2m.

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