For those who need the new plants here are the 25 most recently added plants. Not necessarily new but just new to the website, or sometimes a plant we haven't had available for some time.
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A rarely grown but good species slowly bulking up to make a nice clump of willowy stems with narrow greyish leaves topped with spikes of greenish cream bells in spring. 60cm.
Our stock of this wild collected plant tends to be semi-arborescent all the time. Grey veined robust long triangular leaves on low bushy plants. Shelter. 50cm.
Stunning pinky orange flowers on robust stems to 1.2m in late spring on this hardy bulb. Winter green if sheltered. Drained soil in full sun. Also good in pots under cover.
An excellent recent form with rich chocolate brown foliage, glossy on young leaves. Upright stems of bright pink flowers in late spring to 60cm. Good soil.
Bushy plants with strong branching stems topped with clusters of tiny white flowers in grey-green bracts in summer. Fragrant minty foliage. 70cm. Drained soil in sun/light shade.
Mouse Plant. Mats of arrow-shaped, glossy, dark green leaves. In spring hooded, dark brown -purple spathes with long tails. 15cm. Sun or light shade, drained soil.
The classic winter green foliage plant with strongly white veined leaves from autumn until spring. The leaves held well in the garden and the vase. 30cm. Shade.
A fresh strong blue flowered form with the colour shaded across the flower. Tidy and neat growth. Winter and spring flowers for a well drained sunny position. 15cm.
The first pink flowered form to be available with masses of rich pink starry flowers starting in November, peaking in spring. Drained soil in full sun. 15cm.
A splendid carpeting Foam Flower with masses of white flowers in spring and again later. Makes excellent low ground cover under deciduous trees, try with Colchicums. 20cm.
The juvenile form of the Poet's Ivy. This will provide creeping/climbing growth with typical green foliage. When it becomes adult the berries will be the desired yellow. Patience!
AGM Low mats of rich green leaves show the brilliant reddish pink flowers well. Ideal creeping edge to paths etc. Can also cascade over walls. Drained soil in sun. 15cm.
Creamy white new leaves gradually develop green speckles, small to start then larger. Medium size grower but slow with little chlorophyll until the leaves are older.
Eye-catching flowers of white with salmon pink markings at the tips and in the centre. A good garden pink for a sunny spot at the front of a border. 40cm.
New in 2014. (Geranium platypetalum x Geranium gymnocaulon) Excellent clumps of felted grey-green foliage are covered by masses of large, deep, indigo blue flowers tinted purple in the veins. Average soil in sun. 40cm.