All Other Grasses

ALL the rest that didn't fit into the other catagories! It's amazing just how many you collect when you get started...

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Pennisetum thunbergii 'Red Buttons'

Pennisetum thunbergii 'Red Buttons'£7.50

Brilliant red bobble flowers attract the eye from a distance on this loosely clump forming species for drained soil in a warm sunny spot. Bright green foliage. 60cm.

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Pennisetum villosum

Pennisetum villosum£5.00

Low clumps of greyish foliage and masses of over-the-top creamy caterpillar-like flowers from midsummer till the frosts. Well drained soil in sun. 45cm.

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Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 'Feesey'

Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 'Feesey'£7.20

The brightest white variegated form with beautiful pink tints to the new growth in spring. Pinkish flowers to 60cm. Less vigorous than the common form. Sun, ordinary soil.

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Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 'Streamlined'

Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 'Streamlined'£7.20

Much finer variegation than the common form. This has fine white stripes often tinted pink. 1m.

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Phragmites sp. from Sichuan, China

Phragmites sp. from Sichuan, China£7.20

A gift from Roger Grounds many years ago this grey-green leafed species produces sprays of reddish flowers to 1.2m. Spreading. For moist-wet soils in sun.

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Sesleria nitida

Sesleria nitida£5.00

Tidy clumps of showy powder blue-grey leaves to 25cm and short spikes of flowers a little taller. Evergreen and tough. Best in drained soil in full sun.

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Spodiopogon sibiricus

Spodiopogon sibiricus£5.00

Miscanthus-like clumps of upright culms bearing broad, deep green, leaves with a white central stripe. Silvery pnik flowers in autumn. Good soil in sun. 1.4m.

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Sporobolus airoides

Sporobolus airoides£5.00

Dense clumps of fine, pale green foliage and silky spikes of golden flowers in late summer. Orange-red autumn foliage as well! Average soil in sun. 45cm.

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Tripsacum dactyloides

Tripsacum dactyloides£7.20

Clumps of bright green, broad leaves on this hardy perennial American grass related to Maize. Fascinating spikes of chunky flowers on strong stems to 1.5m. Good, drained soil in sun.

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