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Desmodium canadense

Desmodium canadense£5.50

Striking pink pea-like flowers on an upright plant - looks like a shrub but is herbaceous. Relatively large trifoliate leaves add to the "what's that?" impact. 1.2m.

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Dianthus 'Old Square Eyes'

Dianthus 'Old Square Eyes'£5.00

Eye-catching flowers of white with salmon pink markings at the tips and in the centre. A good garden pink for a sunny spot at the front of a border. 40cm.

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Dianthus 'Tatra Fragrance'

Dianthus 'Tatra Fragrance'£6.50

Heavily fringed, near white flowers with a central crimson ring that extends into a bar down the centre of each petal. A compact pink for rockery or front of border in full sun and drained soil. 20cm.

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Dianthus amurensis

Dianthus amurensis£5.00

A delightful herbaceous Pink from the Amur river valley area. Upright stems topped with generous heads of violet flowers in summer. Drained soil in sun. Easy and very hardy. 30cm.

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Dianthus carthusianorum

Dianthus carthusianorum£5.00

Clumps of blue-grey foliage send up tall, arching, wiry stems topped with clusters of magenta flowers in early summer. Excellent for mixing with ornamental grasses. Ordinary soil in sun. 80cm.

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Dianthus deltoides

Dianthus deltoides£5.00

AGM Low mats of rich green leaves show the brilliant reddish pink flowers well. Ideal creeping edge to paths etc. Can also cascade over walls. Drained soil in sun. 15cm.

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Dianthus superbus

Dianthus superbus£5.00

A beautiful and easy herbaceous perennial species with heads of fimbriate pinkish flowers to c. 45cm. Relatively short lived so allow to self-sow. Ordinary soil in sun.

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Dierama ambiguum seedlings

Dierama ambiguum seedlings£5.00

Dense clumps of fine grassy leaves and arching stems to 60-90cm bearing clusters of pink flowers in summer. Drained but good soil in full sun. Variable?

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Digitalis davisiana

Digitalis davisiana£5.00

A perennial foxglove with rosettes of fresh green evergreen foliage and spikes of pale yellow flowers with milk chocolate brown markings to 90cm. Ordinary soil in sun or light shade.

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Dipsacus inermis

Dipsacus inermis£7.20

Creamy white flowers on strong stems to 1.8m over rosettes of softly bristly-hairy leaves. An attractive alternative for a larger border. Best in decent soil in sun.

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Disporum viridescens

Disporum viridescens£5.00

Patches of upright stems well clothed with fresh green leaves and greenish white flowers in late spring. A fresh looking plant for shade, ordinary soil. Deciduous. 45cm.

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Dodecatheon poeticum

Dodecatheon poeticum£5.00

Primula relative with elegant rich rosy pink reflexed flowers produced successionaly in spring. Prefers moist but drained soil in shade. Neat clumps to 30cm.

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Eccremocarpus scaber 'Pink Lemonade'

Eccremocarpus scaber 'Pink Lemonade'£5.00

Stunning recent form with soft pink flowers with pale yellow lips and throat - delicious! Herbaceous tuber. Hardy in drained soils, full sun. 2m.

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Erodium manescavii

Erodium manescavii£5.00

Clumps of pinnate green foliage and lots of bright pink flowers on strong stems all summer. Drained soil in sun. 25cm.

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Eryngium planum 'White Glitter'

Eryngium planum 'White Glitter'£7.20

Unusual form with white flowered, silvery bracted heads in early to mid summer. Good seedheads. Drained soil in sun. Good for cutting.

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Filipendula rubra 'Venusta'

Filipendula rubra 'Venusta'£5.00

AGM Clumps of large, dark green leaves and tall stems topped with fluffy pink flowers in summer. Good to moist soil in sun. 1.5m.

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Fragaria chiloensis 'Chaval'

Fragaria chiloensis 'Chaval'£5.00

Ground hugging groundcover with extra glossy dark green foliage and the occasional white flower. Much used in Beth Chatto's shady areas, and good it looks.

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Fragaria vesca 'Multiplex'

Fragaria vesca 'Multiplex'£5.00

Exquisite little double white flowers on this compact wild strawberry. Low groundcover for sun or light shade. Easy. 15cm.

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Galium verum

Galium verum£5.00

Lady's Bedstraw. Pretty golden yellow flowers on low growing wispy plants in summer. Front of border, larger rock gardens or grow in short grass. 30cm.

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Galtonia candicans

Galtonia candicans£6.50

A really good bulbous plant for a sunny, well drained site. Funnels of broad greyish leaves and strong upright stems with spikes of large white bells in summer to 90cm.

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Galtonia princeps

Galtonia princeps£6.00

Rare with green and white flowers with very pinched tops and flared "bells" in good heads to 75cm. Drained soil in sun, not too dry or wet! Syn Ornithogalum p.

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Galtonia viridiflora

Galtonia viridiflora£5.00

A classy summer flowering bulb with spires of jade green bells on strong stems to 70cm. Drained but good soil in full sun. More likely to thrive in warm sheltered gardens.

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Gladiolus 'Ruby' (papilio hybrid)

Gladiolus 'Ruby' (papilio hybrid)£6.00

Stunning two-tone ruby red hooded flowers on this natural looking Gladiolus. Makes an excellent garden plant and will increase well in drained soil in full sun. 90cm.

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Glandularia corymbosa

Glandularia corymbosa£5.00

(Verbena corymbosa) Delightful light purple flowers in dense heads from mid summer to autumn to 45cm. Hardy and fully herbaceous in cold winters. Good soil in sun.

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Glycyrrhiza uralensis

Glycyrrhiza uralensis£7.50

Clumps of upright stems clothed with glossy green pinnate leaves, producing rounded heads of purple-blue flowers in summer. Fuzzy, russet seedpods in autumn are attractive. 1.2m. Good soil in sun.

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