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A new variety with beautiful pale pink flowers with a distinct deeper line down the centre of each petal. Flowers to 15cm, winter and spring. Drained soil in sun.
Bluish white spring flowers with darker purplish blue shading and stripe. Neat, tidy greyish green foliage emerges in autumn and looks good all winter. Hardy, 15cm.
A delightful old (1906) cultivar from Cayeaux in France. Elegant white flowers with a network of cornflower blue veins in late spring and early summer. Drained soil in full sun. 90cm.
A lovely little bearded type Iris for the rockery, sink or alpine house. Very low growing, to 10cm, pale lemon yellow flowers in early spring. Good drainage in full sun.
One of the blackest flowers without Photoshop! Delicate looking narrow velvety flowers in early summer on slender stems to 50cm. Good, moist soil in part shade.
Stunning terracotta flowers on this American Louisiana iris. Best in a warm site with good rich soil. Not the easiest to flower well in the UK but well worth trying! 60cm.
A rare Californian endemic from moist to wet ground in open positions. Upright clumps of green foliage and light blue, long, narrow petalled flowers with deeper veining to 90cm. Summer. Hardy.
Spuria. AGM A strong upright grower with sword-like leaves and sparkling white flowers with a golden yellow thumb-print to 1m+. Good soil in sun. Takes a while to settle.
Compact in all it's parts, grassy leaves and smaller flowers in scale with it's typical height of no more than 45cm. As with the species, good damp soil in sun or part shade.
A delightful species which makes clumps of greyish green foliage and produces rich, deep indigo-purple flowers in spring and early summer. Best in good to moist soil in sun. 70cm.
Strong glaucous foliage has purple staining when young providing a point of interest when many other Irises are only just waking up. Blue-purple flowers to 1m in early summer. Good soil in sun.
Wild collected by the late Michael Wickenden as a Nepeta species but we suspect something else. Tall, branched spires of tiny bright blue flowers, 1.4m.
A tall member of the thistle family with paddle shaped leaves with toothed margins and heads of pretty, purple flowers to 1.8m in summer. Average soil in sun.
A lovely meadow scabious from eastern Europe producing flowers in a range of shades from red through pink to mauve on wiry stems to 1m. Drained soil in sun.
Generally greenish buds open to yellow flowers that fade to creamy white. Seed grown so a little variable. 80cm. Drained soil in sun. NOT the species K citrina.
AGM Neat clumps bearing masses of glowing yellow-orange flower spikes in summer to 80cm. Dark stems add to the effect. Drained but good soil in full sun for best flowers.
AGM Splendid flaming spikes of bright coral-orange buds that don't fade as they open until they are going over giving a small cream section at the base of the head. Sun, drained soil. 1m.
A rarely seen but garden worthy umbel from open rockysites in central and southern Europe. Distinct widely divided leaves and domed heads of white flowers to 1m.
Clumps of upright stems with lobed slightly downy leaves produce slender spikes of pale pink flowers to 1.8m. The leaves become strongly flushed purple in summer/autumn. Good soil in sun/part shade.
Spikes of pure white flowers for weeks in summer. Unusual in opening from the tip of the spike down the stem. Robust plants flowering July to September. Drained soil in sun. 1m.
A giant form of Tiger Lily with the brilliant, burnt, orange flowers spotted with deep brown on robust stems to 2.4m. Ordinary soil in sun or light shade.