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A bushy upright subshrub. Evergreen in a sheltered site, with spikes of blue-purple and white flowers in summer to 60cm. New to us so not sure on hardiness but it survived -16 with minimal protection!
Syn. 'Hardy Form'. New to us but supposedly hardy form of this spectacular sage with upright spikes of big bright pink tubular flowers that will arch over as they mature. Reddish stems and veins. Well drained, warm sheltered position in sun. 1.5m.
Neat clumps from woody bases with branching spires of narow tubular flowers in a showy light blue. Summer to autumn, 40cm. Well drained soil in full sun. ?Hardiness.
AGM Neat clumps of white margined pinnate leaves produce upright, wiry, branched stems topped with short dense spikes of maroon flowers in summer. 30cm. Good soil, sun.
A great form of the species with silvery-grey foliage that is a good reason to grow without the chunky caterpillar-like flowers. Good soil in sun or light shade. 75cm.
A rare form with clumps of blue-grey pinnate leaves and dark stems holding deep reddish caterpillars almost concealed by white filaments. 1.2m. Good soil in sun.
Clumps of potato-like foliage and light brown bells in late winter and spring to 40cm. An unusual woodland plant from south-eastern Europe. Good soil in shade, will go dormant in later summer.
Pale yellow bell flowers in early spring on branched stems clad with potato-like leaves. Brilliant purple buds emerge from the ground in late winter. Good soil in shade. 40cm.
Clumps of upright stems dlad with shiny, fresh green leaves and producing spires of deep blue and white flowers in summer to 45cm. Drained soil in full sun.
A new yellow leaved form from Austria. Prostrate, with bright yellow flowers. Dry soil in sun. Foliage turns bright amber in winter. Not to be confused with S. ‘Gold Mound’ which looks the same but is not hardy.
Pretty white margined leaves with pink tints to the white, especially in cool weather. Clusters of pink flowers in summer to 10cm. Well drained soil in full sun.
Rare but easy giant mallow relative with tropical looking leaves and spires of small white flowers in summer and autumn to 2.4m. Hardy herbaceous for sun and ordinary soil.
Maltese Cross. Brilliant, eye-searing, orange red flowers in domed heads in summer. An excellent addition to "hot" borders but keep it away from pastel pink flowers! Sun, 1m.
A rarely seen form of Maltese Cross with dusky pink flowers - a bit more subtle than the normal screaming orange form! Clumps and upright stems to 75cm.
syn. Silphium trifoliatum. An elegant prairie plant from north America with pretty yellow daisies on the top of stems with narrow leaves in whorls of 3. Not sure of height yet but probably at least 1.8m! Good soil in sun.
Very different to most species with many clear yellow flowers in hefty clusters on top of branched stems to 40-50cm through summer. Quite leafy. Average soil in sun and shelter.
Eye-catching blue-purple tubular flowers in late summer and autumn on neat bushy plants covered with broad hairy leaves. Drained soil in a sunny position. 45cm.