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We grow a wide range of perennials including a comprehensive range of Hardy Geraniums and lots of good Ornamental Grasses, not to forget the large number of new, rare and unusual herbaceous perennials, especially those for shade/woodland. Please use the Refine options on the left or the Plant Selector to help choose, or the Search box at the top of every page to find specific plants, or just enjoy browsing!

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Luzula sylvatica 'Bromel'

Luzula sylvatica 'Bromel'£5.00

Lush bright green leaves provide attractive evergreen spreading clumps to 25cm enhanced by airy heads of bronzey flowers in late spring to 60cm. Ordinary soil in shade.

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Luzula sylvatica 'Hohe Tatra'

Luzula sylvatica 'Hohe Tatra'£5.00

Beautiful butter yellow winter and spring foliage, turning lime green in summer. Golden tassel-like flowers in spring. Excellent foliage plant for light or part shade. 30cm. Evergreen.

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Luzula sylvatica 'Mariusz'

Luzula sylvatica 'Mariusz'£5.00

Evergreen groundcover for shade, even quite dry. Slowly spreading, low clumps of broad grassy leaves and tassel-like flowers of golden brown in spring and early summer to 45cm.

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Luzula sylvatica 'Starmaker'

Luzula sylvatica 'Starmaker'£5.00

Clumps of bright fresh green foliage producing stems topped with golden brown tassel-like flowers in early to mid spring. Average soil in part shade. 45cm.

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Luzula sylvatica 'Taggart's Cream'

Luzula sylvatica 'Taggart's Cream'£7.20

Clumps of evergreen foliage with brilliant creamy white new growth in spring as the golden brown tassell-like flowers are produced. Good groundcover for shade in time, ie it's quite slow! 45cm.

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Luzula sylvatica 'Tauernpass'

Luzula sylvatica 'Tauernpass'£5.00

Extra broad fresh green leaves on this form, often with twisted tips. Tassle-like golden brown flowers in spring to 45cm. Evergreen groundcover for shade.

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Luzula sylvatica f. nova

Luzula sylvatica f. nova£5.00

Clear creamy-white new spring growth turns yellowish and then green by mid-summer. Tassles of golden brown flowers to 30cm in spring. Ordinary to good soil in shade.

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Maianthemum bifolium ssp. kamtschaticum

Maianthemum bifolium ssp. kamtschaticum£5.00

Low carpets of broad, glossy, green foliage emerges in spring and shows off the short sprays of white starry flowers to 15cm. For ordinary soil in shade.

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Maianthemum stellatum

Maianthemum stellatum£5.00

A delightful woodlander producing arching stems tipped with panicles of starry white flowers in spring to 35cm. Makes open patches, not dense clumps. Good soil.

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Malus hupehensis

Malus hupehensis£16.00

AGM Stunning crabapple with masses of pinkish flowers that opent o bright white, strongly scented in mid-spring. Followed by bunches of small red fruits and autumn foliage. 4m+.

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Melica altissima 'Atropurpurea'

Melica altissima 'Atropurpurea'£5.00

A woodland edge/clearing specialist this clump forming ornamental grass grows upright to 90cm topped with spikes of purple downward swept flowers in spring and summer.

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Melica ciliata

Melica ciliata£5.00

Clumps of fine greyish foliage and arching stems topped with pretty tawny buff flowers to 30cm from early summer. Drained soil in full sun. Will self seed a little in gravel.

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Melica persica

Melica persica£5.00

Pretty golden buff spikes on wiry stems from tidy clumps of neat green foliage all summer. Lovely fluffy seedheads as they go over. Drained soil in sun, even quite dry. 30cm.

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Melica uniflora f. albida

Melica uniflora f. albida£5.00

Neat clumps of semi-evergreen leaves and arching stems of ivory coloured flowers and seeds from mid spring. Decent soil in shade for the best effect. Typically to 30cm.

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Meum athamanticum

Meum athamanticum£5.00

A small clump of incredibly ferny dark green leaves produces a head of snowy white flowers to 40cm. Drained soil in sun. Rare native.

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Milium effusum 'Yaffle'

Milium effusum 'Yaffle'£5.00

A lovely form of Wood Millet with soft green leaves lightened by a butter yellow stripe down the centre of each blade. Typical yellowish green arching flowers to 75cm in spring. Shade, average soil.

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Miscanthus 'Korea'

Miscanthus 'Korea'£7.20

A recent form with a low tufted habit with lots of silvery grey flowers, pinkish to start. Very good winter seedheads. 1m. Looks like it will spread a bit. Average soil in sun.

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Miscanthus nudipes

Miscanthus nudipes£8.50

A new species to us collected in Yunnan, China. Clumps of upright, arching stems with a distinctly greyish appearance. Pinkish summer flowers soon turn a silvery grey by autumn. 1.2m.

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Miscanthus sinensis 'Elfin'

Miscanthus sinensis 'Elfin'£8.50

A selected form of 'Yakushima Dwarf' making mounds of fine foliage and pinky flowers in late summer and autumn. Good silvery seedheads overwinter. Average soil in full sun. 1.2m.

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Miscanthus sinensis 'Hercules'

Miscanthus sinensis 'Hercules'£8.50

A floriferous form with reddish-purple silvery flowers from August to 1.8m. Very good shining silver seedheads over red-orange tinted yellow autumn foliage.

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Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus'

Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus'£8.00

Wide green foliage with horizontal yellow bands. To 1.8m.

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Miscanthus x giganteus

Miscanthus x giganteus£9.00

Many plants sold as M. sacchariflorus are in fact this quick establishing foliage plant to 3m. Broad foliage and rarely produces silver flowers. Decent soil in sun.

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Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea

Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea£5.00

The taller subspecies of Molinia, typically growing to 2m in height. Clumps of mid green foliage and strong upright but arching stems bearing purplish flowers in late summer/autumn. Yellow-orange autumn stem and foliage colour. Deciduous.

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Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea 'Bergfreund'

Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea 'Bergfreund'£5.00

Airy brown flowers, strong yellow autumn foliage. 1.5m. Like a shorter version of 'Transparent'. Good soil in sun.

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Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea 'Breeze'

Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea 'Breeze'£5.00

A modern introduction with open, arching flower panicles on tall stems well over big clumps of foliage from midsummer. Good orange-yellow autumn leaf and stem colour. 2.1m.

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