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Anemone nemorosa 'Blue Eyes'

Anemone nemorosa 'Blue Eyes'£5.00

A desirable form with semi-double brilliant white flowers that develop a rich royal blue eye as they age. Sells on sight! Decent soil in part or light shade. 15cm.

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Anemone nemorosa 'Bracteata Pleniflora'

Anemone nemorosa 'Bracteata Pleniflora'£5.00

Rather variable semi-double white flowers surrounded by a ruff of green and white bracts. Every flower different and changes year to year. 20cm. Shade.

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Anemone nemorosa 'Frühlingsfee'

Anemone nemorosa 'Frühlingsfee'£5.00

Delightful white flowers flushed with light pink that darkens as the flowers age. A cleaner and very pretty pink than some older forms. Good soil in light or part shade. 15cm.

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Anemone nemorosa 'Lychette'

Anemone nemorosa 'Lychette'£5.00

A vigorous form with large white flowers sometimes looking flushed bluish. For ordinary soil in light shade. Flowers in spring to 20cm.

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Anemone nemorosa 'Parlez Vous'

Anemone nemorosa 'Parlez Vous'£5.00

Large flowers of near white flushed a pale purplish-blue. Like many the flowers darken slightly as they age. An excellent form of Wood Anemone for average to good soil in shade. 20cm.

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Anemone nemorosa 'Wilks' Giant'

Anemone nemorosa 'Wilks' Giant'£5.00

Possibly the largest flowered form to date - big rounded white flowers to 25cm. Best in good soil that doesn't dry out in pshade to part shade.

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Anemone nemorosa 'Wilks' White'

Anemone nemorosa 'Wilks' White'£5.00

Large white flowers slowly flush with a rosy pink. A showy form of Wood Anemone for shady places with average to good soil. 25cm.

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Anemone ranunculoides 'Crazy Vienna'

Anemone ranunculoides 'Crazy Vienna'£8.00

An excellent (nearly) double from Austria with lots of golden yellow sepals within an outer row of green streaked ones on top of a ruff of yellow streaked green bracts in early spring. Sun or part shade. 15cm.

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Anemone ranunculoides 'Ferguson's Fancy'

Anemone ranunculoides 'Ferguson's Fancy'£6.00

Chocolate brown tinted new leaves turn to green with the double yellow flowers nestled in a ruff of green bracts in early to mid spring. Good woodland soil in light shade, under deciduous trees is ideal. 15cm.

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Anemone ranunculoides 'Pleniflora'

Anemone ranunculoides 'Pleniflora'£5.00

The unusual, slower growing, multi-petalled form. It would be over enthusiastic to call it double but it does have lots of extra petals giving a much more full look. Otherwise just like the species.

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Anemone x lipsiensis 'Schwefelfeuer'

Anemone x lipsiensis 'Schwefelfeuer'£6.00

A lovely easy selection from Sarastro, this hybrid wood anemone produces a good display of pale yellow flowers in early spring. Decent soil ideally under deciduous woody plants. 15cm.

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Anemone x lipsiensis 'Sioux'

Anemone x lipsiensis 'Sioux'£6.50

A recent selection of this natural hybrid with larger flowers of a gentle creamy yellow in March and April. Dark foliage. Good, leafy soil in part or light shade. 15cm.

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Anthericum ramosum

Anthericum ramosum£5.00

Bulbous perennial with grassy grey-green leaves and branched spikes of white flowers in summer. Well drained soil in full sun. 45cm.

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Aquilegia buergeriana

Aquilegia buergeriana£5.00

Unusual soft yellow and reddish purple flowers on airy stems to 90cm on this species from Japan. Best in part or light shade and ordinary soil.

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Aquilegia desertorum

Aquilegia desertorum£5.00

A small species from high altitude in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah in the USA. Grey ferny foliage (often slightly variegated) and delicate red and pale yellow flowers to 30cm.

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Aquilegia rockii

Aquilegia rockii£5.00

Rarely cultivated species with elegant dusky purple flowers on an open plant to 50cm. Reminiscent of Aquilegia ecalcarata but larger and easier! Good soil in part shade.

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Aquilegia vulgaris 'Nivea'

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Nivea'£5.00

'Munstead White' Classic creamy white flowers over glaucous green foliage in spring. Easy in ordinary soil in sun or part shade, to 75cm.

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Arisaema candidissimum

Arisaema candidissimum£14.50

Amazing white spathes with pink candy stripes inside appear slightly before the leaves in late spring. Big rounded trifoliate leaves make an attractive feature later. Good soil that never sits wet in shade. Flowers to 30cm, leaves to 75cm.

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Arisaema flavum

Arisaema flavum£7.50

Cute little flowers, butter yellow on top fading into creamy with greenish markings below. Attractive foliage and spikes of red berries later. 40cm. Hardy.

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Aristolochia fimbriata

Aristolochia fimbriata£8.50

Unusual small species with pale green leaves veined in silver on low spreading plants. The flowers are frankly bizarre, white-green with brown and pale yellow "faces". Light shade, shelter.

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Arrhenatherum elatius var. bulbosum 'Variegatum'

Arrhenatherum elatius var. bulbosum 'Variegatum'£5.00

Neat little clumps of boldly white variegated foliage to 25cm and upright flowers to about 50cm. Best in well drained soil in sun or part shade. Easy, very hardy and well-behaved.

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Arum 'Chameleon'

Arum 'Chameleon'£5.00

AGM A stunning winter-green type with large mid green leaves with a heavy pewter marbling over most of the leaf, just a narrow band of plain green round the edges. Typical pale flowers in late winter. 40cm. Average soil in part shade.

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Arum italicum ssp italicum 'XXL'

Arum italicum ssp italicum 'XXL'£5.00

Wintergreen with faintly veined large rich green foliage. Yet to see full size here. Best in good soil in at least some shade.

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Asphodelus aestivus

Asphodelus aestivus£7.50

Striking branched spires of pinkish white flowers with brown striped backs to 1.2m or more in early summer. Drained good soil in full sun.

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Aster ageratoides 'Asran'

Aster ageratoides 'Asran'£7.20

Spreading clumps of wand-like stems with incised dark green leaves topped with generous heads of very pale lavender blue flowers in summer. Average soil in sun. 45cm.

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