16 November 2013 | Admin Yes, the end of the year is heading our way again so here are our last ordering dates for those last plant mail orders of the year. |
28 July 2013 | Admin After a long wait here is the second part of my blog post on the Wood Anemone we grow... |
17 June 2013 | Admin Our exhibit at the Suffolk Show at the end of May 2013 was awarded a Silver-Gilt medal. |
27 April 2013 | Admin After what seems to have been the longest winter possible the recent warm spell has set many spring plants off with a sudden burst of growth and the emergence of flowers. Nothing means spring in the woodland or shade garden quite like the begining of the flowering period of these lovely shade tolerant Anemones. |
11 April 2013 | Admin We took a rare day off yesterday and went for a look round the National Trust site at Wimpole Hall in Cambridgeshire. The one thing that really stuck in my mind in the garden was this lovely patch of Geranium macrorrhizum... |