Now accepting PayPal and on Twitter!

9 August 2014  |  Admin

Two little updates recently:


We have added the option of paying via PayPal as well as paying by debit/credit card directly.  This does not change the existing debit/credit card payment options and you can still choose to pay by BACS if you prefer.

If you already have a PayPal account then you can pay using your account balance or other linked card or account in the normal way.

If you don't have a PayPal account you can pay by debit/credit card via PayPal without setting up an account or choose to set up an account and pay then.

Just another option for you to choose from!



After years of avoiding social networking I have finally submitted and opened a Twitter account....


I aim to tweet a "plant of the day" with a photo.  This will be something topical, new to us or seen somewhere or perhaps something we have for sale for the first time.  Maybe just something looking good that day!

There may be the odd bit of wittering about the weather or my dog, or maybe something about wildlife and not-so-wildlife here in the Norfolk/Suffolk borders.

Feel free to follow me if you think you can cope with the constant stream of new plants.