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Hedera helix 'Jake'

Hedera helix 'Jake'
Price:  £5.00

Brand:  The Plantsman's Preference
Family:  Araliaceae
Main Season:  All Year
Leaf Colour:  Yellow
Foliage:  Evergreen
Position:  Shade
Soil Type:  Ordinary, medium loam
Height:  60cm to 90cm (2' to 3')
Peat Free?  Yes
Hardiness Guide:  RHS H5 minimum -10C to -15C
Pot Size:  9cm



Approx. 10 in stock

View our Pot Size guide: 

Compact buttery yellow foliage tending towards a shield shape rather than the usual fingered leaf. Small, low growth that can climb.

A sport from 'Lightfinger' found at Fibrex in 1998.

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