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Brand: The Plantsman's PreferenceFamily: PoaceaeMain Season: SpringFlower Colour: YellowLeaf Colour: Yellow/Gold variegatedFoliage: Semi-EvergreenPosition: ShadeSoil Type: Ordinary, medium loamHeight: 60cm to 90cm (2' to 3')Peat Free? YesHardiness Guide: RHS H7 minimum at least -20CPot Size: 9cm
Approx. 9 in stock
A lovely form of Wood Millet with soft green leaves lightened by a butter yellow stripe down the centre of each blade. Typical yellowish green arching flowers to 75cm in spring. Shade, average soil.
Like the commonly grown Milium effusum 'Aureum', 'Yaffle' makes a good addition to any shaded border, be it the narrow strip down the north side of your house or an acre of mixed woodland! It doesn't seed true like the yellow version but it does make a good clump that slowly spreads and can be dug, split and replanted if you need to make some more of it.
Try it with early bulbs like snowdrops and winter aconites.
We have grown this plant for about 20 years but have no idea where it originated.
Geranium 'Prelude'£5.00
Masses of small blue flowers in spring. Alan Bremner's hybrid: a compact clump of leaves and the myriad of flowers are held erect for weeks in late spring. Open or light shade, not too dry. 70cm.