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A fine plant (if only we were sure of it's name!) that makes neat clumps with large clear blue flowers to 40cm in spring. Very showy. Good soil in sun or light shade.
A dwarf form of one of the common American solomon's seals. Slightly pleated green leaves and clusters of cream bells with jade green tips. Scented. Decent soil in shade. 40cm.
An excellent, vigorous and floriferous selection collected in Russia in 1996 by the late Michael Wickenden. Grey green leaves and large creamy flowers in April/May. 90cm. Good soil in shade.
An excellent low growing Solomon's Seal with crisp green foliage and bright cream and jade green flared flowers in spring. Top plant. 30cm. Good soil in shade. Collected in the Elburz by Furze and Synge.
Upright stems with whorls of narrow leaves to 90cm. The clusters of narrow flowers appear in the leaf axils higher up the stems in late spring. Good, woodsy, soil in shade. Less attractive to sawfly.
A distinctly taller form of this narrow leafed species making upright stems to as much as 2.1m in good soil in shade. Masses of tawny flowers from the higher leaf axils in early summer. Hardy.
An elegant form which emerges with purple shoots that slowly turn green as the white and green flowers appear below the arch of the stems in late spring. 75cm. Good soil in light or part shade.
Elegant arching stems with whorls of narrow leaves equipped with tendril-tips that allow the plant to scramble. Clusters of purple flushed flowers in late spring. 1.2m. Shade.
Beautiful clear pink flowers with a crimson centre over many weeks in summer on this herbaceous species. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade suits it well. 40cm.
A lovely cottage garden type plant that makes clumps of strawberry-like leaves and upright stems topped with white flowers in summer. Easy and hardy, will self-seed a little. Good with smaller grasses. 40cm.
Probably a Himalayan collection this has neat clumps of fresh green trifoliate leaves and clouds of rich ruby red flowers for weeks in summer to 40cm. Ordinary soil, sun.
Stunning garden worthy polyanthus in a range of deepest reds, some near black. The Cowichan types lack the typical large yellow eye. Decent soil in some shade. 25cm.
Pretty pink flowers on this P. elatior x P juliae hybrid. Showy flat faced flowers held in large heads up to 15cm in late winter and spring. Good soil in light shade.
AGM. A delightful little primrose hybrid with neat clumps of leaves and masses of light yellow flowers in spring on stems to 20cm. Good soil in light shade.
Low mats of blue-grey rosettes make a lovely feature for a rockery or front of border. White flowers when it can be bothered. 10cm. Full sun and well drained soil.
Seed grown plants from this wild collected form with light purple flowers over clumps of relatively narrow foliage to 20cm. Drained but moisture retentive soil in shade!
Stunning sky blue flowers from spring to autumn on this modern S. chamelaeagnea hybrid from New Zealand. Scented foliage is a bright, fresh green. 60cm in a sunny spot with good, drained soil. Probably not fully hardy.
A stunning, hardy, Salvia involucrata hybrid makes an upright bushy plant with spires of brilliant deep almost purplish pink flowers to 90cm. Drained soil in full sun.