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Stylophorum lasiocarpum

Stylophorum lasiocarpum£5.00

A cracking, clump-forming, poppy relative for shade with masses of generous yellow flowers in spring and summer. Easy, hardy and well behaved. 40cm.

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Succisa pratensis

Succisa pratensis£5.00

Devil's-bit scabious. A delightful soft but rich blue flowered native scabious with the bobbles of flower dancing above the foliage on wiry stems. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 60cm.

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Succisella inflexa 'Frosted Pearls'

Succisella inflexa 'Frosted Pearls'£5.00

A scabious relative producing clouds of silvery white button-like flowers with a hint of pink all summer to 90cm. Hard to describe adequately! Ordinary soil in some sun.

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Symphyotrichum 'Anja's Choice'

Symphyotrichum 'Anja's Choice'£5.00

A favourite hybrid Aster with palest pink flowers on dense bushy plants in autumn. Pale yellow centres turn to pinkish red. Mildew resistant. Best in good soil in full sun. 75cm.

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Symphyotrichum 'Kylie'

Symphyotrichum 'Kylie'£7.20

An easy, reliable and tough hybrid (A. novae-angliae x A. ericoides) with arching stems carrying large sprays of thousands of small pink flowers in late summer and autumn. Best cascading down a slope or over a wall. 50cm. Sun.

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Symphyotrichum 'Little Carlow'

Symphyotrichum 'Little Carlow'£7.20

AGM. Clumps of upright, branching stems with masses of lavender flowers in autumn. Dark stems and foliage contrast well. 1m Average soil in sun or part shade.

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Symphyotrichum 'Oktoberkaskade'

Symphyotrichum 'Oktoberkaskade'£5.00

A striking recent introduction from Sarastro with a mass of lavender blue flowers on dark stems and leaves in October onwards. Arching, cascading habit. 90cm.

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Symphyotrichum cordifolium 'Blue Heaven'

Symphyotrichum cordifolium 'Blue Heaven'£5.00

Taller and upright this lovely lavender blue flowered autumn daisy glows as the nights draw in. Rich green foliage provides a good contrast. Good soil. 1.4m.

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Symphyotrichum cordifolium ex. Piney Fork

Symphyotrichum cordifolium ex. Piney Fork£7.20

Collected from a site destined for development! Branching stems bearing lots of lavender-blue flowers in late summer and autumn. 1m.

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Symphyotrichum ericoides 'Pink Cloud'

Symphyotrichum ericoides 'Pink Cloud'£5.00

AGM Bolt upright clumps with fine foliage and clouds of pink flowers in autumn to 75cm. Average soil in sun. Good with autumn grasses.

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Symphyotrichum graetae KM.K.186.02

Symphyotrichum graetae KM.K.186.02£5.50

New to cultivation in the UK as far as I can tell this autumn flowering species is a showy surprise. Bright, light lavender flowers for many weeks to 75cm.

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Symphyotrichum laeve 'Glow in the Dark'

Symphyotrichum laeve 'Glow in the Dark'£5.00

An outstanding recent introduction with purple flushed deep green leaves and heads of light pink flowers in autumn to 1.5m. Reasonably self-supporting!

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Symphyotrichum laeve 'Les Moutiers'

Symphyotrichum laeve 'Les Moutiers'£5.00

A brilliant recent introduction from France with dark stems and clouds of good, pink flowers in autumn. Similar to 'Little Carlow' in habit and flower. Good soil in sun. 1m.

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Symphyotrichum laeve 'White Climax'

Symphyotrichum laeve 'White Climax'£5.50

A striking white flowered form of 'Climax', the flowers contrasting well with the dark green foliage. Best in good soil in full sun. Usually to 1.2m but potentially to 1.8m.

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Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Betel Nut'

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Betel Nut'£7.20

Striking reddish pink flowers of a very good size on this selection from Great Dixter. Strong upright habit to 1.5m or perhaps a little more. Mildew resistant. Sun, good soil.

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Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Pink Victor'

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Pink Victor'£5.00

An old favourite of ours with mildew resistant foliage and masses heads of clear pink flowers from August to October. Can be "Chelsea-chopped". Best in good soil in full sun. 1.4m.

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Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Treasure'

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Treasure'£5.00

Large flowers of a light purple on this tough, mildew resistant cultivar. Good soil in full sun. 1.2m.

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Symphyotrichum novae-angliae ex Piney Fork

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae ex Piney Fork£5.00

Grown from wild collected seed in an area for development. Beautiful light purple flowers with orange-yellow centres to 1.5m. Mildew resistant. Good soil in sun.

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Symphyotrichum puniceum

Symphyotrichum puniceum£5.00

Pretty silvery blue flowers of a decent size on strong stems to 1.5m. A good, earlier flowering species, August into late autumn, well worth trying in good soil in sun.

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Symphyotrichum x amethystinum 'Freiburg'

Symphyotrichum x amethystinum 'Freiburg'£5.50

A rare hybrid "Aster" producing clumps of upright stems with heads of bright, light, blue flowers in late autumn to 1.2m. Rarely seen and well worth growing! Average soil in sun.

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Symphytum 'Hidcote Pink'

Symphytum 'Hidcote Pink'£5.00

A very useful evergreen groundcover for sun or shade. Large, rich green leaves and masses of two-tone pink flowers in late winter and spring to 30cm.

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Symphytum cordatum

Symphytum cordatum£5.00

A choice, neat, clump forming species with attractive cordate foliage and clusters of pale yellow bells in spring. Reasonable soil in part shade seems to suit it best. 20cm. Slow to increase.

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Symphytum tuberosum

Symphytum tuberosum£5.00

A clump forming species making a low maound of pale green foliage and branched stems of pale yellow bells in spring, and summer if in good soil. Light shade. 45cm.

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Symphytum x uplandicum 'Moorland Heather'

Symphytum x uplandicum 'Moorland Heather'£5.00

A lovely deep purple form with matching rich green leaves. Main flowering in spring and early summer, cut back for an autumn flush too. Clumps to 60cm, sun or light shade.

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Tanacetum macrophyllum

Tanacetum macrophyllum£8.50

Clumps of cut green foliage and strong stems bearing large heads of creamy flowers in summer. Full sun, even quite dry. 1.5m. Deciduous.

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