ALL Geraniums

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Geranium 'Blue Cloud'

Geranium 'Blue Cloud'£5.00

AGM A mound of large pale blue flowers veined crimson. 45cm. Flowering June-August onwards. Reasonable soil in open or sunny position. Unique colour for a long flowering plant.

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Geranium 'Blue Thunder'

Geranium 'Blue Thunder'£5.50

New in 2014. (Geranium platypetalum x Geranium gymnocaulon) Excellent clumps of felted grey-green foliage are covered by masses of large, deep, indigo blue flowers tinted purple in the veins. Average soil in sun. 40cm.

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Geranium 'Brookside'

Geranium 'Brookside'£5.00

(pratense x clarkei ‘Kashmir Purple’)

AGM This brilliant hybrid from Cambridge Botanic Garden has intense blue flowers with white centres from May to July and September onwards. Open position in average soil. 60cm x 90cm. Named after a street in Cambridge.

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Geranium 'Distant Hills'

Geranium 'Distant Hills'£5.50

One of Alan Bremner's most attractive hybrids (G. pratense x G. collinum) with clouds of pale blue flowers with violet veins from May to November. Upright habit to 80cm, good soil in sun.

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Geranium 'Limburg's Bronze Green'

Geranium 'Limburg's Bronze Green'£6.00

An excellent recent introduction with finely cut reddish brown tinted foliage and pretty blue flowers in spring and summer. Average soil in sun. 25cm.

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Geranium 'Nunwood Purple'

Geranium 'Nunwood Purple'£5.00

Low growing hybrid with bluish-purple flowers for several weeks in summer. For the front of border in a sunny place. 30cm.

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Geranium 'Orion'

Geranium 'Orion'£6.00

Like 'Brookside' but with darker blue flowers, 5cm across. The stuff of myth! Average soil in sun, 70cm. Summer with good repeat and super foliage colour in autumn.

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Geranium 'Prelude'

Geranium 'Prelude'£4.50

Masses of small blue flowers in spring. Alan Bremner's hybrid: a compact clump of leaves and the myriad of flowers are held erect for weeks in late spring. Open or light shade, not too dry. 70cm.

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Geranium 'Purple Rain'

Geranium 'Purple Rain'£5.50

A new ‘Nimbus’ seedling from Robin Moss. Light purple flowers with deeper veins over clumps of divided foliage. Average soil in sun. 60cm.

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Geranium 'Summer Cloud'

Geranium 'Summer Cloud'£5.00

(collinum x clarkei 'Kashmir White')

Hybrid from Cambridge Botanic Garden flowers from July to autumn. Pointed white petals are heavily veined pinkish mauve. 45cm mound in sun. Useful late white flower.

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Geranium collinum

Geranium collinum£6.50

A meadow species from central and eastern Europe and into Asia. Finely divided leaves and masses of mauve-pink flowers over a long season. 60cm. Ordinary soil in sun.

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Geranium libani 'Kew Gardens'

Geranium libani 'Kew Gardens'£4.50

A useful improvement on the usual form, this has larger flowers of a clean royal blue in early summer to 40cm. Well drained soil in full sun, summer dormant.

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Geranium libani RCB-RL-2

Geranium libani RCB-RL-2£5.00

Wild collected form of this tuberous species from the eastern Mediterranean with darker flowers and a slightly more vigorous habit. Tougher and easier than normal, for well drained soil in full sun. 30cm.

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Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bulgaria'

Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bulgaria'£5.00

Bright, rich magenta pink flowers on this evergreen groundcover for drained soil in sun or part shade.  Good autumn/winter foliage colour and green new growth in spring.  25cm.

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Geranium macrorrhizum 'Cham-Ce'

Geranium macrorrhizum 'Cham-Ce'£5.00

Light pink flowers, very floriferous. Good evergreen groundcover. 30cm. syn. 'Camce'

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Geranium macrorrhizum 'Ingwersen's Variety'

Geranium macrorrhizum 'Ingwersen's Variety'£5.00

Useful, usually evergreen, groundcover with light rose-pink flowers from April. Will even work in dry shade with good soil preparation.

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Geranium macrorrhizum 'Mytikas'

Geranium macrorrhizum 'Mytikas'£4.50

A recent introduction with very compact growth and masses of small deep pink flowers in late spring. Not really a groundcover but a spreading patch to 15cm high.

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Geranium macrorrhizum 'Pindus'

Geranium macrorrhizum 'Pindus'£6.00

A newer low growing form more similar to G. x cantabrigiense in stature. Good dense evergreen groundcover, and bright magenta pink flowers. 20cm.

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Geranium macrorrhizum 'Sandwijck'

Geranium macrorrhizum 'Sandwijck'£5.00

A beautiful colour breakthrough; "proper" pink flowers with a green calyx are colourful but not garish. Good evergreen groundcover. 30cm.

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Geranium macrorrhizum 'Velebit'

Geranium macrorrhizum 'Velebit'£5.00

A floriferous form with showy clear, bright pink flowers on this evergreen groundcover for sun or shade. 20cm. Collected by Hans Simon in Croatia.

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Geranium macrorrhizum AL&JS 90179 YU

Geranium macrorrhizum AL&JS 90179 YU£5.50

A lovely example of the wild species collected in 1990 in what was Yugoslavia. Evergreen patches with rich pink, light veined flowers in spring. 25cm.

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Geranium macrostylum 'Uln Oag Traig'

Geranium macrostylum 'Uln Oag Traig'£4.50

A rare selection with pretty pink flowers with deeper veins held well above the fine-cut foliage on upright stems to 25cm. Leafs up in winter and flowers in spring before dying back to tubers for the summer. Well drained soil in full sun.

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Geranium maculatum 'Putnam County'

Geranium maculatum 'Putnam County'£5.00

A typical wild form, named to give it's origin in New York State. Pink-mauve flowers on stems to 50cm. Good soil in sun or light shade.

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Geranium maculatum 'Shameface'

Geranium maculatum 'Shameface'£5.00

The (N. American) name given to the form usually grown as G maculatum in Britain. Light pink flowers changing to pale mauve with age. 45cm.

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Geranium maculatum 'Smoky Mountain'

Geranium maculatum 'Smoky Mountain'£5.00

A purple flowered form of Geranium maculatum. Often later flowering than other cultivars to 65cm. Good soil in shade.

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