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Brand: The Plantsman's PreferenceFamily: ApiaceaeMain Season: SummerFlower Colour: WhiteLeaf Colour: GreenFoliage: DeciduousPosition: SunSoil Type: Ordinary, medium loamHeight: 60cm to 90cm (2' to 3')Peat Free? YesHardiness Guide: RHS H7 minimum at least -20CPot Size: 1.4L
Approx. 6 in stock
Unusual form with white flowered, silvery bracted heads in early to mid summer. Good seedheads. Drained soil in sun. Good for cutting.
Grown from seed there may be a few that flower the usual blue, propagate vegatively to keep the white/silver colour true.
Anemone nemorosa 'Wilks' White'£5.00
Large white flowers slowly flush with a rosy pink. A showy form of Wood Anemone for shady places with average to good soil. 25cm.
Hedera helix 'White Ripple'£5.00
Beautifully white margined version of Green Ripple with narrow fingered forward-facing divisions. Elegant and bright, climbs, scrambles and trails well.
Sanguisorba 'White Tanna'£5.50
A new white flowered form to 90cm. Clumps of pinnate foliage. Good soil in sun.