Pennisetum is one of the most popular families of ornamental grasses, often chosen by those new to grasses because of their showy flowers.
We only grow the hardier forms with all of our range surviving most winters in the UK in appropriate conditions. The hardiest species of Pennisetum are almost indestructible but the less hardy ones do need better drained soil and some will require a more sheltered garden. Please see our descriptions for details of requirements and hardiness.
Pennisetum alopecuroides are tight clump formers that should always be hardy in most sites. They produce pretty flowers late in the autumn and can be slow to get big.
Pennisetum orientale and it's hybrids (like 'Fairy Tails) are less hardy but should still be okay 9/10 winters in a sunny, warm garden with good drainage. They flower earlier in the summer and increase reasonably quickly to make good clumps.
We do not grow the very tender Pennisetum advena 'Rubrum' (aka Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum') or it's variegated forms as they have little to no chance of surviving the winter in the UK and aren't even easy in a greenhouse. We also do not offer Pennisetum setaceum as it is now classified as a potentially invasive species in Europe due to self seeding though in our experience that is not applicable to the UK as our winters are too wet and cold.
Recent P. orientale hybrid from John Greenlee. Upright clumps of foliage topped with masses of tail-like feathery spikes to 1m. Drained soil in full sun.
One of the hardiest fountain grasses but also invasive so best contained. Beautiful upright stems topped with purple spikes before turning russet-buff in autumn. Any soil in sun or part shade. 1.5m.
AGM Amazing long tapers of buff flowers to 2.4m from midsummer till the first frosts. Well drained soil in full sun or grow in a large pot and take in for the winter in cold areas.
A more vigorous form, earlier to flower and with broader, grey-green leaves. Tail-like flowers start pinkish grey before turning a rich buff. Hardy in a sheltered sunny place with good drainage. 1m.
A good strong, hardy, form of this deciduous species producing dense spikes of pinkish buff flowers all summer to 1.5m. Much more vigorous than the species, forms a clump.
Brilliant red bobble flowers attract the eye from a distance on this loosely clump forming species for drained soil in a warm sunny spot. Bright green foliage. 60cm.
Low clumps of greyish foliage and masses of over-the-top creamy caterpillar-like flowers from midsummer till the frosts. Well drained soil in sun. 45cm.