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Anemone flaccida

Anemone flaccida
 Anemone flaccidaAnemone flaccida 

Brand:  The Plantsman's Preference
Family:  Ranunculaceae
Main Season:  Spring
Flower Colour:  White
Leaf Colour:  Brown/Purple/Red
Foliage:  Spring ephemeral
Position:  Shade
Soil Type:  Good, moist, humus-rich
Height:  Up to 15cm / 6"
Peat Free?  Yes
Hardiness Guide:  RHS H6 minimum -15C to -20C
Pot Size:  9cm



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A pretty woodland anemone this emerges in spring with chocolate brown leaves which slowly turn green.  Clear white flowers like the wood anemones to 10cm.  Humusy soil in shade.

The name Anemone flaccida refers to the fact that if the plant of dry or too hot the whole thing will collapse to the ground in a rather dramatic fashion. Once watered or rained on, or the temperature drops it will recover but late in the season it may not bother!

Like most wood anemones this species emerges and flowers early and goes dormant in early to midsummer depending on the weather.

From eastern Russia, China and Japan.

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