Home > Perennials > Sanguisorba
Brand: The Plantsman's PreferenceFamily: RosaceaeMain Season: SummerFlower Colour: WhiteLeaf Colour: Blue/grey/silverFoliage: DeciduousPosition: SunSoil Type: Ordinary, medium loamHeight: 90cm to 1.2m (3' to 4')Peat Free? YesHardiness Guide: RHS H7 minimum at least -20CPot Size: 9cm
Approx. 38 in stock
A rare form with clumps of blue-grey pinnate leaves and dark stems holding deep reddish caterpillars almost concealed by white filaments. 1.2m. Good soil in sun.
Festuca valesiaca var glaucantha£5.00
Neat clumps of blue grey, very fine, leaves looking a little like a hedgehog once established! Grey flowers in summer turn to buff seedheads to 20cm. Drained soil in sun.
Sanguisorba officinalis CDC262£5.50
A strong, upright Korean collection with short spikes of burgundy flowers on wiry stems to 2m. Late summer flowering. Good soil in sun.
Silene chalcedonica var. albiflora£7.20
The rarely seen white flowered form of Maltese Cross with domed heads of flowers on upright stems to 1.2m. Clumps for a lightly shaded border.