Over the last couple of decades Althaea cannabina has become well known thanks to some high profile use by garden designers but it's not the only species.
These are woody based herbaceous plants that are tough, drought tolerant and very hardy once established. Less likely to get the dreaded hollyhock rust that affects the more short lived species they can still be affected in dry seasons but the effect is largely superficial and they re-grow well the following year. Plant plenty of lower growing, airy, perennials and grasses around them to take your eye off the foliage!
Lovely tall, branched stems bear masses of light pink flowers from summer into autumn. Airy and elegant but tougher and easier than A. cannabina. 2.4m, sun or light shade and ordinary soil.
Clouds of very pretty light pink flowers on strong upright stems to 2.4m in all summer. Fingered leaves and unlike most of it's hollyhock relatives, no rust. Easy and perennial, for ordinary soil in sun.