Aquilegia or grannies bonnets must be one of the most classic of cottage garden plants. Unfortunately the common Aquilegia vulgaris is available in so many selected strains that will hybridise at a moments notice that it is almost impossible to keep them true to type.
Accordingly we mostly grow other species though an honorable mention must be given to the largely reliable Aquilegia vulgaris 'Nivea' that grows nearly entirely true from seed. This delightful compact white flowered form with pale green foliage used to be known as Munstead White.
The other species are mostly smaller, finer plants that seem happy to keep to themselves. Unusual but in keeping with our preference still good garden plants in the right place. Each species has slightly different preferences but generally part shade and decent soil will suffice.
A small species from high altitude in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah in the USA. Grey ferny foliage (often slightly variegated) and delicate red and pale yellow flowers to 30cm.
Rarely cultivated species with elegant dusky purple flowers on an open plant to 50cm. Reminiscent of Aquilegia ecalcarata but larger and easier! Good soil in part shade.