
Sesleria are always one of the more popular garden designers grasses but much less known amongst gardeners.  Hardy, tough, long lived and evergreen they have the potential to be used in many places given plenty of light and ordinary, drained soil.

Sesleria are generally quite slow growing and need little maintenance other than a quick spruce up in late winter.  Resist the temptation to cut them hard back as most species will be coming into flower by the end of February, with the exception of the late summer-autumn flowering Sesleria autumnalis (clue in the name).

The biggest problem with Sesleria is usually lack of availability due to their slow growth and demand from designers and landscapers. Buy when you see them!

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Sesleria nitida

Sesleria nitida£5.00

Tidy clumps of showy powder blue-grey leaves to 25cm and short spikes of flowers a little taller. Evergreen and tough. Best in drained soil in full sun.

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