
The hardy garden chrysanthemums include some very old varieties as well as fairly new ones - a good clue that they are proper garden worthy plants.  As with anything you need the right conditions and drainage in a sunny spot is essential for them to do well.

We offer a selection (our favourites basically!) from the range available with single, natural looking types, multilayered almost double forms and neat compact pom-pom types. The pom-pom types seem especially long lived.

All forms can be "Chelsea-chopped" if you want to make them a little bushier and shorter at flowering time. When they are 20cm tall in spring or early summer cut them back by half.

We don't grow the more picky varieties, just those that survive!  'Ruby Mound' is lovely and a real impulse sale but it won't tolerate any winter wet so we don't offer it, try 'Brennpunkt', 'Chelsea Physic Garden', Edmund Brown' or 'Royal Command' instead.

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Chrysanthemum 'E H Wilson'

Chrysanthemum 'E H Wilson'£7.20

Masses of scented creamy flowers, with two layers of "petals" in autumn. May be a wild collection. An elegant upright plant ideal for mixing with other plants. 80cm.

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Chrysanthemum 'Early Yellow'

Chrysanthemum 'Early Yellow'£7.20

Attractive light yellow flowers with golden centres on elegant plants to 80cm. Hardy in a drained, average soil in sun.

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Chrysanthemum 'Perry's Peach'

Chrysanthemum 'Perry's Peach'£7.20

AGM Glowing peach pink flowers that start richly coloured and fade as they age. A favourite here. Drained good soil in sun, 60cm.

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Chrysanthemum 'Ray's Red'

Chrysanthemum 'Ray's Red'£7.20

Compact domes of ludicrous orange-red pompoms in autumn. Looks like a bedding plant but is actually a good hardy border plant. Drained soil in sun, 40cm.

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Chrysanthemum 'Suffolk Pink'

Chrysanthemum 'Suffolk Pink'£7.20

Excellent upright bushy plants with masses of large deep pink flowers October to November (December). Average soil in sun, 1.2m.

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