Eragrostis is a large family (over 400 species) of grasses from across the temperate and tropical regions of the world with just a handful regularly grown as ornamentals. There are likely others worth considering in the future.
Those most easily grown in the UK have a similar habit to each other; Eragrostis chloramelas, curvula and elliottii. There are a few selected forms of Eragrostis curvula. These make elegant, weeping clumps of fine, greyish, foliage and airy heads of flowers throughout the summer that follow the arching of the leaves. Hardy in well drained soil in full sun but can be burnt back by very cold winters, wait until new growth starts in the spring before cutting them back to tidy the winter damage away.
Some more upright species are occasionally grown such as E spectabilis and trichodes but these are not reliably hardy here and don't always flower well. Consider carefully!
African Love Grass. Fine, dark green drooping leaves and graceful, arching black flowers from May to October. Evergreen for a warm sunny, well drained position. 90cm.
Brilliant clumps of bright grey, fine foliage and arching stems of charcoal grey flowers all summer and into autumn. For a well drained soil in full sun, an ideal ornamental grass in a big container too.