
One of the most easily found ornamental grasses in the UK, there is often a pot or plastic bag of Phalaris arundinacea var picta sitting by someones gate for sale or free not far from you!  A classic case of "why is it so common", it spreads more than most would want.

However there are a few varieties that are much more desirable and not likely to be found being given away.  Some have been around for a few decades and at least one is much newer.  The attractive 'Luteopicta' is even so slow that it will be outcompeted by even modest border plants and we've lost it completely now!

As always, if you choose the right plant for the right spot then it's fine.  So, where to put Phalaris?  Even the most vigorous forms are fine in poor, dry soils especially in difficult positions such as areas likely to be walked/driven on occasionally, and areas completely contained by concrete or walls so that it cannot escape.

The least vigorous forms such as 'Arctic Sun' and 'Feesey' are fine in normal borders as long as you are aware that they may need occasional reduction. They are shallow rooting so it's not really much of a problem anyway.

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Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 'Feesey'

Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 'Feesey'£7.20

The brightest white variegated form with beautiful pink tints to the new growth in spring. Pinkish flowers to 60cm. Less vigorous than the common form. Sun, ordinary soil.

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Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 'Streamlined'

Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 'Streamlined'£7.20

Much finer variegation than the common form. This has fine white stripes often tinted pink. 1m.

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