Home > Hardy Geraniums > ALL Geraniums
Brand: The Plantsman's PreferenceFamily: GeraniaceaeMain Season: SpringFlower Colour: PurpleFoliage: Semi-EvergreenPosition: ShadeSoil Type: Ordinary, medium loamHeight: 45cm to 60cm (18" to 2')Hardiness Guide: RHS H7 minimum at least -20CPot Size: 9cm
Approx. 52 in stock
From East Lambrook Manor comes this light pink-purple form with a white centre and swept back petals. Spring flowering, to 60cm. Shade.
Named in 1993.
Geranium phaeum 'Ann Logan'£5.00
Striking flowers in shades of purple on this recent variety. Dark chocolate spots on the leaves. Ordinary soil in part shade or shade. 60cm.
Geranium phaeum 'Golden Spring'£5.00
Yellow spring leaves turn green later. Deep pink flowers. 50cm. Prefers shade but will grow in the open if moist enough and respond well if humusy material is incorporated into the soil.
Geranium phaeum 'Nightshade'£5.00
Mid green, unspotted leaves and good displays of purple flowers to 45cm in spring. Ordinary soil in shade.