
A varied family of plants the Dianthus range from tiny alpines (that we don't grow) through to the larger herbaceous species from short to medium height meadows in generally alpine areas.

The species we offer are mostly suitable for the front of borders or mixed with other similar sized plants to recreate that alpine meadow type look.  Try them with smaller grasses like Sesleria or Molinia caerulea ssp caerulea and other smaller flowers for a lovely airy natural look.

Of course we are also growing a few of the more traditional types, particularly those with something different to the norm or of known wild origin.

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Dianthus 'Old Square Eyes'

Dianthus 'Old Square Eyes'£5.00

Eye-catching flowers of white with salmon pink markings at the tips and in the centre. A good garden pink for a sunny spot at the front of a border. 40cm.

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Dianthus 'Tatra Fragrance'

Dianthus 'Tatra Fragrance'£6.50

Heavily fringed, near white flowers with a central crimson ring that extends into a bar down the centre of each petal. A compact pink for rockery or front of border in full sun and drained soil. 20cm.

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Dianthus amurensis

Dianthus amurensis£5.00

A delightful herbaceous Pink from the Amur river valley area. Upright stems topped with generous heads of violet flowers in summer. Drained soil in sun. Easy and very hardy. 30cm.

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Dianthus carthusianorum

Dianthus carthusianorum£5.00

Clumps of blue-grey foliage send up tall, arching, wiry stems topped with clusters of magenta flowers in early summer. Excellent for mixing with ornamental grasses. Ordinary soil in sun. 80cm.

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Dianthus deltoides

Dianthus deltoides£5.00

AGM Low mats of rich green leaves show the brilliant reddish pink flowers well. Ideal creeping edge to paths etc. Can also cascade over walls. Drained soil in sun. 15cm.

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Dianthus superbus

Dianthus superbus£5.00

A beautiful and easy herbaceous perennial species with heads of fimbriate pinkish flowers to c. 45cm. Relatively short lived so allow to self-sow. Ordinary soil in sun.

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