
Crocosmia are now far beyond the old stereotype of montbretia with many modern cultivars available extending the colour range as well as improving the habit.

We also grow some species types which are slower though quite elegant plants, if not so easy to grow.

Crocosmia do best in drained but good soil in full sun, the most vigorous forms will take surprisingly damp or dry soils.  Along with most bulbs/corms of similar origin the conditions to be avoided are waterlogging and freezing at the same time which makes container growing difficult. Pot grown plants need winter protection, we move ours into the potting shed in November to keep them dry until spring.

Tritonia are also listed here for now as they are so closely related and may well be merged into Crocosmia in time.

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Crocosmia paniculata 'Cally Sword'

Crocosmia paniculata 'Cally Sword'£8.50

Big, sword-like pleated leaves on this wild collected form with tall, strong stems supporting branched heads of long-tubed orange flowers in late suimmer to 1.5m. Good, drained soil in full sun.

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Tritonia disticha ssp. rubrolucens

Tritonia disticha ssp. rubrolucens£5.00

A fantastic Crocosmia relative with sprays of pleated sword-like leaves and masses of arching stems with lots of soft pink flowers from summer into autumn. Drained soil in full sun. 90cm.

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