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Brand: The Plantsman's PreferenceFamily: PoaceaeMain Season: AutumnFlower Colour: BrownLeaf Colour: GreenFoliage: DeciduousPosition: SunSoil Type: Ordinary, medium loamHeight: 90cm to 1.2m (3' to 4')Hardiness Guide: RHS H7 minimum at least -20CPot Size: 9cm
Approx. 3 in stock
Tight clumps of neat foliage and relatively tall stems bearing dark flowers in midsummer. Good autumn colour. 1.2m. Reasonable soil in full sun.
Molinia caerulea ssp. caerulea 'Heidebraut'£7.20
Flower stems less erect than other forms, brown flowers age to soft yellow in autumn. 1.2m Good soil in full sun.
Molinia caerulea ssp. caerulea 'Sunbeam'£7.20
A new introduction. Clumps of arching green foliage and stems to 75cm producing the greenish brown flowers in midsummer. Excellent warm golden yellow autumn and winter colour. Good soil in sun.
Molinia caerulea ssp. caerulea 'Winterfreude'£5.00
Clumps of greyish green leaves and upright stems of dark flowers in midsummer to 1m. Good autumn and winter seedheads. Reasonable soil in full sun.