All Grasses

ALL of the Ornamental Grasses that we grow!

As you can see we grow a very wide range of Ornamental Grasses and appreciate that the size of the list can be daunting if you don't know what you are looking for.  If you only have a small space don't discount taller grasses.  Sometimes a tall, narrow grass that takes up very little area can be really effective in a narrow border.

If you want more specific help then please feel free to phone or email (email probably easiest) and we will talk through what you need and make suggestions.

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Panicum virgatum 'Dallas Blues'

Panicum virgatum 'Dallas Blues'£7.20

Recent introduction from the USA. Broad blue-grey foliage and pinkish flowers to 1.8m+. Very upright habit and super yellow autumn foliage colour turns warm buff throughout winter. Average soil in sun.

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Panicum virgatum 'Diwali'

Panicum virgatum 'Diwali'£9.50

New to us, greyish foliage that turns a warm yellow in autumn. Sprays of fine reddish flowers to ?1.5m in late summer and autumn. Best in full sun.

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Panicum virgatum 'Forestburg'

Panicum virgatum 'Forestburg'£9.50

Upright columns of greyish foliage topped with open panicles (flower heads) of red tinted flowers in late summer and autumn. Average soil in full sun. 1.2m.

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Panicum virgatum 'Rehbraun'

Panicum virgatum 'Rehbraun'£7.20

A slightly unusual form in that this has greyish green foliage with bright rusty red autumn colour on the upright clumps to 1m. Sprays of reddish flowers from late summer. Decent soil in full sun.

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Panicum virgatum 'Sunburst'

Panicum virgatum 'Sunburst'£7.20

Upright clumps with greyish green foliage and sprays of airy flower to 1.2m in late summer and autumn. Good golden autumn foliage stands out. Good soil in sun.

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Pennisetum 'Fairy Tails'

Pennisetum 'Fairy Tails'£7.20

Recent P. orientale hybrid from John Greenlee. Upright clumps of foliage topped with masses of tail-like feathery spikes to 1m. Drained soil in full sun.

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Pennisetum flaccidum

Pennisetum flaccidum£6.00

One of the hardiest fountain grasses but also invasive so best contained. Beautiful upright stems topped with purple spikes before turning russet-buff in autumn. Any soil in sun or part shade. 1.5m.

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Pennisetum macrourum

Pennisetum macrourum£7.20

AGM Amazing long tapers of buff flowers to 2.4m from midsummer till the first frosts. Well drained soil in full sun or grow in a large pot and take in for the winter in cold areas.

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Pennisetum orientale 'Robustum'

Pennisetum orientale 'Robustum'£9.50

A more vigorous form, earlier to flower and with broader, grey-green leaves. Tail-like flowers start pinkish grey before turning a rich buff. Hardy in a sheltered sunny place with good drainage. 1m.

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Pennisetum orientale 'Tall Tails'

Pennisetum orientale 'Tall Tails'£9.00

A good strong, hardy, form of this deciduous species producing dense spikes of pinkish buff flowers all summer to 1.5m. Much more vigorous than the species, forms a clump.

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Pennisetum thunbergii 'Red Buttons'

Pennisetum thunbergii 'Red Buttons'£7.50

Brilliant red bobble flowers attract the eye from a distance on this loosely clump forming species for drained soil in a warm sunny spot. Bright green foliage. 60cm.

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Pennisetum villosum

Pennisetum villosum£5.00

Low clumps of greyish foliage and masses of over-the-top creamy caterpillar-like flowers from midsummer till the frosts. Well drained soil in sun. 45cm.

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Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 'Feesey'

Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 'Feesey'£7.20

The brightest white variegated form with beautiful pink tints to the new growth in spring. Pinkish flowers to 60cm. Less vigorous than the common form. Sun, ordinary soil.

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Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 'Streamlined'

Phalaris arundinacea var. picta 'Streamlined'£7.20

Much finer variegation than the common form. This has fine white stripes often tinted pink. 1m.

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Phragmites sp. from Sichuan, China

Phragmites sp. from Sichuan, China£7.20

A gift from Roger Grounds many years ago this grey-green leafed species produces sprays of reddish flowers to 1.2m. Spreading. For moist-wet soils in sun.

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Schoenoplectus lacustris 'Zebrinus'

Schoenoplectus lacustris 'Zebrinus'£5.00

Clumps of stiffly upright leaves with bright white horizontal bands, potentially to 1.8m if wet enough. For pond margins or bog garden.

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Sesleria nitida

Sesleria nitida£5.00

Tidy clumps of showy powder blue-grey leaves to 25cm and short spikes of flowers a little taller. Evergreen and tough. Best in drained soil in full sun.

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Spodiopogon sibiricus

Spodiopogon sibiricus£5.00

Miscanthus-like clumps of upright culms bearing broad, deep green, leaves with a white central stripe. Silvery pnik flowers in autumn. Good soil in sun. 1.4m.

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Sporobolus airoides

Sporobolus airoides£5.00

Dense clumps of fine, pale green foliage and silky spikes of golden flowers in late summer. Orange-red autumn foliage as well! Average soil in sun. 45cm.

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Stipa calamagrostis

Stipa calamagrostis£5.00

AGM Clumps of upright stems with mid green leaves to 90cm. Topped with soft plumes of feathery golden buff flowers in late summer. Best in good, drained soil in full sun.

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Stipa calamagrostis 'Algäu'

Stipa calamagrostis 'Algäu'£5.50

AGM An excellent, slightly taller, form of this pretty grass. Golden green flowers turn golden buff from midsummer and hold all winter. 1m. Drained soil in sun.

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Stipa capillata

Stipa capillata£5.00

Neat clumps of fine green foliage and slender stems to 75cm topped with clusters of long awned golden flowers in summer. Drained soil in full sun.

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Stipa extremiorientalis

Stipa extremiorientalis£5.00

Tight clumps of broad, pale green leaves and tall, arching stems bearing spikes of awned yellow-green flowers in late summer to 1.5m. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade.

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Stipa lessingiana

Stipa lessingiana£5.00

Clumps of very fine bright green leaves and wispy pale buff flowers in summer to 70cm. Hardier and a little bigger than the well known Stipa tenuissima. Drained soil in sun.

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Stipa pseudoichu

Stipa pseudoichu£5.00

Slow growing clumps of upright foliage to 80cm and tall arching stems topped with silvery plumes to 1.4m in summer. Average soil in sun.

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