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Begonia grandis 'Bells and Whistles'

Begonia grandis 'Bells and Whistles'
Price:  £5.00

Brand:  The Plantsman's Preference
Family:  Begoniaceae
Main Season:  Autumn
Flower Colour:  Pink
Leaf Colour:  Blue/grey/silver
Foliage:  Deciduous
Position:  Shade
Soil Type:  Ordinary, medium loam
Height:  30cm to 45cm (12" to 18")
Hardiness Guide:  RHS H4 minimum -5C to -10C
Pot Size:  9cm



Approx. 15 in stock

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100% Peat-free All our plants are propagated and grown on peat-free, from scratch, on our nursery.

Smoky green leaves with bright silver spots and deep red undersides on this new American selection. Sprays of light pink flowers in autumn. Hardy. 45cm.

Photo shows an example of the superb autumn foliage colour.

Slightly more compact than most forms, 'Bells and Whistles' looks likely to have some Begonia grandis ssp. sinensis in it's parentage with a lower growing habit and more triangular leaf.  As with all forms of Begonia grandis it is perfectly hardy in the garden in most of the UK, ideally planted on the north side of a fence, wall or large shrub/tree.  If you wish a deep mulch of bark or leafmould will alleviate the worry about it surviving the winter but they really are surprisingly tough!

Also makes a spectacular pot plant but will need protection from frost when growing in containers.

From Ed Bowen.

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