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Brand: The Plantsman's PreferenceFamily: CaprifoliaceaeMain Season: SummerFlower Colour: YellowLeaf Colour: GreenFoliage: DeciduousPosition: SunSoil Type: Ordinary, medium loamHeight: 1.2m to 1.8m (4' to 6')Hardiness Guide: RHS H7 minimum at least -20CPot Size: 9cm
None available at present.
A big creamy yellow scabious that's more compact! Strong wiry upright, branching stems from rosettes of hairy leaves bear lovely pale yellow flowers to 1.8m. Insect heaven. Average soil in sun.
If you like Cephalaria gigantea but it's just too huge for you then this is the answer. It has the same airy, wild elegance but at 1.8m it's a little more manageable! An excellent mixer for naturalistic (prairie/meadow) style gardens or just mingling in a cottage garden. Looks lovely growing through a carpet of lower (60-90cm) plants like Deschampsia cespitosa, Dianthus cruentus, Geraniums etc.
Just don't be fooled by the "alpina" bit of it's name - it's really not suitable for anything but the largest of rockeries!
A gently self-seeding shortlived perennial for ordinary soil in sun but it will take a little shade.
From France, Italy and the Alps.
Roscoea alpina CC3667£5.00
Seed grown plants from this wild collected form with light purple flowers over clumps of relatively narrow foliage to 20cm. Drained but moisture retentive soil in shade!