Home > Perennials > All Perennials
Brand: The Plantsman's PreferenceFamily: AsteraceaeMain Season: SummerFlower Colour: PinkLeaf Colour: GreenFoliage: DeciduousPosition: SunSoil Type: Ordinary, medium loamHeight: 90cm to 1.2m (3' to 4')Hardiness Guide: RHS H2 minimum 1C to 5CPot Size: 9cm
None available at present.
A beautiful and fairly hardy species with masses of soft lilac pink flowers with golden centres from midsummer into late autumn on wiry stems to 1.2m. Drained soil in full sun with a deep mulch or protect in winter.
In many areas Dahlia merckii can be treated like a normal herbaceous perennial as it is really quite hardy but it does need well drained soil in a warm sunny position to survive the winter well. A deep mulch of bark chips, garden compost or similar will keep it cosy!
Alternatively it can be grown in a container and taken into a frost free, dry place for the winter - we keep ours in our potting shed from November to April - move them out and carefully start watering in spring but protect from any late frosts.
From Mexico.