Home > Perennials > Chrysanthemum
Brand: The Plantsman's PreferenceFamily: AsteraceaeMain Season: AutumnFlower Colour: RedLeaf Colour: GreenFoliage: DeciduousPosition: SunSoil Type: Ordinary, medium loamHeight: 30cm to 45cm (12" to 18")Hardiness Guide: RHS H4 minimum -5C to -10CPot Size: 1.4L
None available at present.
Compact domes of ludicrous orange-red pompoms in autumn. Looks like a bedding plant but is actually a good hardy border plant. Drained soil in sun, 40cm.
Chrysanthemum 'Early Yellow'£7.20
Attractive light yellow flowers with golden centres on elegant plants to 80cm. Hardy in a drained, average soil in sun.
Chrysanthemum 'Perry's Peach'£7.20
AGM Glowing peach pink flowers that start richly coloured and fade as they age. A favourite here. Drained good soil in sun, 60cm.
Impatiens omeiana 'Red Leaf'£6.50
Very attractive red flushed exotic foliage on bright red stems to 25cm on this form of hardy Impatiens. Best in good leafy soil in shade.