Home > Perennials > Chrysanthemum
Brand: The Plantsman's PreferenceFamily: AsteraceaeMain Season: AutumnFlower Colour: PinkLeaf Colour: GreenFoliage: DeciduousPosition: SunSoil Type: Ordinary, medium loamHeight: 90cm to 1.2m (3' to 4')Hardiness Guide: RHS H4 minimum -5C to -10CPot Size: 1.4L
Approx. 10 in stock
Excellent upright bushy plants with masses of large deep pink flowers October to November (December). Average soil in sun, 1.2m.
An old variety that lost it's name, if it ever had one, found in a garden in Sudbury.
Chrysanthemum 'E H Wilson'£7.20
Masses of scented creamy flowers, with two layers of "petals" in autumn. May be a wild collection. An elegant upright plant ideal for mixing with other plants. 80cm.
Chrysanthemum 'Early Yellow'£7.20
Attractive light yellow flowers with golden centres on elegant plants to 80cm. Hardy in a drained, average soil in sun.
Chrysanthemum 'Perry's Peach'£7.20
AGM Glowing peach pink flowers that start richly coloured and fade as they age. A favourite here. Drained good soil in sun, 60cm.